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Everything posted by spockme

  1. I just had a session with Mistress Zhao, She is to say the least a wonderfully intelligent person . Our session was a mystical magical experience of energy transfer and body worship. The inner spirit of Mistress Zhao is as complicated as her mind seems to be. We reached a special place in our time . She is a special Mistess and person .She is well worth having a sesion with . I consider myself lucky to knoiw her. Spockme
  2. I just had a session with Mistress Ree.It was very challenging and proved to be quite the attack .Well MIstress Ree Siarted with clamps on my nipples pulling the chain that connected them a numbber of times until they kept coming off. A few well placed hard kicks to my balls were added for spice. a blindfold was used some times as she hit my balls with two long leather stiff boards . this wa done with hard shots and very hard shots . It continuously went on for 80 shots We were trying for a hundred ,I am sorry we did not make it but I just about passed out . I remain embarrased by my wekness, I hope to make it up to Mistress Ree in the future and make a 1oo hard shots. Mistress Ree is a wonderful Mistress to enjoy.
  3. Dear Mistress Ree,Hi, our session despite the setback turned out to be mystical . I need to hear how you are doing . remember it can take more than one session depends on certain things or the healing itself can take time. I know you looked great at the end of your time . I want to serve you but also be your energy conduit . I know we can make a 100 shots . need to hear from you . Spockme

  4. DaerMiostress Zhao,Hi ,having troub;e with my computer. Our session was mystical waiting to hear from you . How are you feeling fine I know . remember it can take more than one session . the brain has many lines of thought which can interefer. It also can take awhile to heal (your body) You said you would work on the email . We need further sessions to further improve your inner thoughts Spockme

  5. Dear Mistress Zhao , as I mentioned I am going to Seattle for further study ,are you interested in going , we can talk more thursday but thuink about it I have the room and I could get you in the session s my expense or you can just use the room for extra activity and spend time sight seeing etc. spockme

  6. dear Mistress Ree, Hi, as i said i will see you this thursday I hope that pleases you . I want to make our session special and also give you pleasure in suffering for you . I have told you I think we have a special friendship even though we do not see each other often I hope you retyped the reeolphin poem and framed it as you said you would if not bring it to the session and i will for you Le...

  7. Dear Mistress Zhao , I am as I stated coming in to see you thursday. I hope you are thinking about having me be all I can be to honor you I would request that you envision and feel most importanly my pleasing you in any way you wish and bringing both of us to get closer to nirvana Spockme

  8. Mistress Zhao,Hi, I wrote to you on this never seems to work so I will try again

  9. Dear Mistress Tan, I have thought a lot about you since I sessioned with you when you first arived at the Fortress. You are as i said beautiful and quite lovely, but hardly a wall flower.I find your knowledge of fighting fantastic . I think of you doing a beatdown to me but worry about internal injuries. I wonder if I can take you and provide you a suitable beatdown object to honor you ,how do you feel about it ,Spockme
  10. Dear Mistress Ree, I am glad you enjoyed yourself also. It was evident as you tortured my balls that you were really into it. I think of the session often . I would like you to take it further ,what would be some more activities ?The more painful the better. I need to be lured to you so I need the pain from you this seems to be a draw for me .You were great to be with >FS Spockme
  11. Dear Mistress Zhao, The session we had was Thrilling, Educational , Painful But Beautiful. It was Zhaolicious WE almost reached Nirvana for me . I know you were feeling my intensity and wanted more. I will try to give you that in the future. I was honored to be your first crown .The use of sounds needles, electric torture was so Painful ,you lived up to your sadistic side . I was scared before we began but your personality is such that you kept me in my submissive way but was pleaseant and forceful . When you had me with all three needles , electric sounds and increased the electric to even a higher level then ballbusted me and pulled and crused my balls well what can I say. It was an honor ... I would like to continue and of course discuss energy physics further. FS Spockme
  12. Dear Mistress Ree, The session I just had with you was Reetastic . You exhibited a nice personality and tried to please throughout. You were harsh when need be . The ballbusting was my first and you did not dissapoint.Besides opening hits ,pulling and squezhing , the span of 63 straight small paddle hard shots was painful but appreciated. The needle work was enjoyable. I really did find your ballbusting great ,Thanks for a greast session . I hope you like your Reeolphin poem for you really are a classic Reeolphin.FS Spockme
  13. Dear Mistress Zhao, I do not know if you remember that sesion . But even then you looked for harmony within pain and pleasure . I will be what instrument you wish to play . Spockme
  14. Dear Mistress Zhao , I want you to be sadistic I find your personae to be exciting . No I need real I just wrote to you on the Devotee forum . please read it You must not take back ,about how you come off to me . I know what i felt from you and want it . I just need to accept my wants and move foward with you .
  15. Dear Mistressm Zhao, If that thought truly excites you I am happy. Of course I would want to worship you and give you my pain in reference to you . I would expect to be hit and played with some of the new toys at the fortress . I would do any action to honor you as Queen . But I am still fearful of you and need my mental set to accept your torture .for I know you can be severe although I have had some severe sessions with Mistress Kang and others but there is something about you that produces fear in me .I really think you are a modern day vampire your previous writings lead me to that feeling.also when I was with you you radiated harshnes towards me . .If I can get over that ,I feel you will get excited about my worshiping you and be a worthy slave . Spockme
  16. Dear Mistress Jung Have I fallen that far out of favor with you . I would gladly suffer for you to regain your esteem Glass, rice whatever you need to be repayed for my errors Spockme
  17. Dear Mistress Zhao, That review does not due you justice . I am a bit intimated thinking of you . As I have stated many times your intelligence and numerous artistry are your finished qualities. But you are compoicated and can be quite intimadating to a sub like me . I want to -play vampire with you for quite awhile and have you crown me but I hold up in fear of you . I know I am stupid in this regard and if I can get over it I think you can really find me a worthy sub for your pleasue. I need that push .Whatever that might be. well have a great weekened someone who admires you Spockme
  18. Dear Mistress Ree, Shards of glass peebly rice, all for me . Mistress Jung look what you have done .Spockmel
  19. Dear Mistress Jung , I did not mean to imply you looked like Frankenstein but was able to be decieving who created much pain for me I guess it was not a good example as Ray pointed out. Anyway I would like to state you are beautiful and a great Mistress to serve . Spockme
  20. Dear Mistress Jung , One thing you are not is small and docile . the last time you were with me you were more like a mean Frankenstein ,much pain but still beautiful. Spockme
  21. Dear Mistress Kang , I found the few swithes I dealt with to be what you say they are at an advantage except for you with your experience . Mistress Chan was a complicated ride and confusing at times . However she knew feelings from both ends I recieved a brutal beating and cbt torture from her to atone for my insulting her in a writing . MIstress Choi I felt really could be a forceful Dom I found it hard thinking in terms of her any other way. Of course I am a Sub person so my insights are from that point of view. When I am with you I want you to control and torture me . My session entity calls for that as you say righteous fury but I am already there for a mistress.Swiicthes know what it feels like and I think can play that feeling very well. Spockme
  22. Dear Grand Mistress Kang, As you know my interest in mind control issues It sounds interesting ,only if it is done with physical torment ,corporal punishment , cbt, needles also .I would submit to real mind control to honor you and the Mistresses. I would want to totally have my mind belong to you . Spockme
  23. Dear Mistress Jung , You must drive up the coastal highway , the scenery is great . Stop at the famous beaches as suggested. Glad to hear you are enjoying yourself. Is that picture a devious reference to my hairy body, that would be something holding you that close. Spockme
  24. Dear Mistress Ree, To be a Reeolphin is quite an honor , for they are very intelligent and social . Seriously your friendly respones on the forum make me feel close to you as a person . you see physical presence is not just the main ingredient to a relationship but a combining of spirit which a frienship is a form of is really the most important .To be ballbusted by a Reeolphin soul partner would be quite the thing . Spockme
  25. Dear MIstress Zhao, The amount of needles caused me to be a bit loud with pain I was recieving. which you did not like .Mayby it is better thst you do not remember how I look. You usually do not answer my writings LIke the time you wrote about vampirism and I offered to be your victem .You are a complex but intelligent person with many interesting beliefs. as I have stated your best quality is your intriging mind . Yes you are beautiful and with your photagraphy and music background you are an artful creative person . Wow to be your friend and discuss things is quite a dream for anyone,I would be honored if I could take your punishment and a crowning and bleed for you .but to be your friend and slave would be Zhaolicious. Spockme
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