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Everything posted by purgatorio

  1. I am your bitch. I know that now.

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      You just figured that out? Obviously, you are my slow bitch!

  2. I wish you would make me into your bitch. But, I'm probably not allowed to say that. Can I?

  3. Miss me? I can tell...I'm terrible, I know. I've been writing the Newer Testament, of course. I think, someday, you'll love it!
  4. Mistress Haru, I've started to jerk off to you. Is that ok?

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      It's considerate of you to ask Mistress Haru, but perhaps she doesn't give a shit about what you do with your little prick.

  5. Mistress Tran, if we doubled, would you let me lick Mistress Kang's feet too? I think I need to.

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      Only if u beg the way I like u too!

    2. purgatorio


      Yes, I will beg, of course. And Kang will make me beg for your feet. I'll be bitch to both of you.

  6. OK. Maybe you and Kang, together?

    1. Mistress Tran
    2. purgatorio


      i promise i will. i just need to get the timing right. give me a few days, weeks to plan. then you can take out it make me your foot rat, whatever more you ladies command.

  7. Mr Tran I'm sorry to you and the ladies if I was naughy. I think I need to kiss your feet.

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      I think you need to bed at our feet asking for forgiveness.

  8. I miss your feet in my face.

  9. Not so crazy about your bedside servant. But i do dig the TWISTER bed sheets! Wanna play?
  10. Wow Zhao. Boo to you, shutting me out...And after a whole summer away...Well, guess i've got to learn my place with you...If that's your message, i'm getting it. apologies for my pushiness. MISTRESS. (my head's bowed.)

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Excuse me?

      I was away in Europe.

  11. Yes, i'm back. Celebrate! I'm thinking next week...but i want to see your face. Can't you post a new pic--face first. sorry if i sound pushy. let's call it eager. baci. (how do you say kisses in Chinese?)

  12. Im falling down about You. You may kick me in the face.

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      oh may I. Thanks for the permission ;)

  13. Hi Zhao, me again. Thinkin bout you. Werent you supposed to go on a date with me when i get back? Of course!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. purgatorio


      It'll be hard to handle (no pun intended) but think i might just be man enough. Hey, i bought you a gift last night--here in Italy! Now i'll have to come see you again to give it to you...baci!

    3. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      LOL we'll see if you're man enough! Get back safely!

    4. purgatorio


      Yes, I'm sorry you will have to wait until mid August. But, this time, I will be worth the wait. Then we can also discuss my not-so-secret desire to be "man enough" to "handle" taking you on a date. (God knows, you are woman enough!)

  14. Mistress Zhao, Im writing you from Italy. I know you dont believe me but it's true. How can I prove it to you--e vero! Wish you were here with me. Living in a little monastic cell and you could gimme a good ass whipping; ive decided i need this from you...next time! Baci on your feet and ass!

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Since you're in a little monastic cell, why don't you keep in the tradition of monastic activities such as self-flagellation? Whip your own ass and pretend it's me. Just until you get your butt in here, anyway.

    2. purgatorio


      It's a wonderful idea--as are all your ideas. i must find some whipping cords tho...maybe i'll just pull up some nasty, thorny roots from the local vegetation. i recall you like blood. i'll spill some for your pleasure, but youll have to imagine it, for now. ciao ciao!

  15. Did i mention your the best? I mean, THE best..i know i failed you. i was not worth your shoelace. next time, i will be. i dream of next time. can i do this? yr joke, hilarious. Xo

  16. You've probably missed me. If you haven't, you will. I'm going away to Italy in a few days. Don't tell the other mistresses--thye'll miss me too much. You, you'll be just fine. Or will you?

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      I might die one day.

    2. akiravn1


      Then we would definitely miss You!

  17. Anyway it was a really nice review. i had a good time (that day).

    1. Mistress Zhao

      Mistress Zhao

      Is this a sentence fragment?

    2. purgatorio


      Technically no. But you've become a fragment, and figment, of my imagination. I've dressed you up and dressed you down in multiple ways. Know i'm not supposed. But it's just wishful thinking from a wimpy white boy. Who's wimpier, a white boy or an Asian one? Be merciful in your response...though I deserve no mercy. Zhao, I want to kiss you!

  18. Ahh, you never have the guts to go all the way. Or, to make ME go all the way.

  19. hey, i caught you on-line!

  20. i wish you wouldnt ignore me. am only trying to get your attention...i know i'm weak.

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      wrapped around my little toe....I own you bitch! Dont forget that.

    2. purgatorio


      Thanks for putting me in my place....but, sometimes, I still dream I could be man enough for you.

      I know, I'm foolish.

  21. If you wanted to, I could make you my bitch. Let me know.

  22. thoughtlesops = thoughtless. sorry!

  23. Come on, you know you miss me...you know you want me to be a more steady client...i am irresistable, i suppose. are these dumb, thoughtlesops remarks? youve confused me.

  24. MT, thanx for kicking it/me into gear yesterday with your dream feet....afterward, had the best sex with wifey in months...pb

  25. Hey Tran...i hope you'll (FINALLY) make me your bitch, tomorrow. Remember, I need you to cure me from my foot fetish--and show me how to really please a woman...my dear Bitch Therapist

    1. Mistress Tran

      Mistress Tran

      You are a bitch...my bitch...anyone's bitch really...you are a bitch by nature. My advice as your therapist: You need to come to accept who you are- A BIG BITCH!

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