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Everything posted by purgatorio

  1. purgatorio

    Everyone is afraid of you.
  2. purgatorio

    The Reveal

    This should be in all future collages.
  3. purgatorio

    Collage of Li

    Yes, please add 50 more collages (at least).
  4. purgatorio

    This is actually feathers of white blood. Ruggy.
  5. That's the best way to do it. (OY)/ On yourself.
  6. Paint crows (in the sky). Coming to you.
  7. purgatorio

    YOU might have a secret fetish to dom as robot-face domme.
  8. Mistress lounging in plan sight, better than Hitchcock.
  9. purgatorio

    bondage lingerie

    Triple A on this pic: 2. High Mid Low frame flawless.
  10. Please stop. Oh yeah, 'all's fair in love and war' (& bdsm).
  11. I know the secrets Google keeps. And they're much worse.
  12. Everything is possible (except a good MTA system).
  13. purgatorio

    City days

    Im glad youre happy and free! *and the sun came up with no conclusions*
  14. Black lips at the beach, a personal favorite!
  15. purgatorio


    My kinda barfly.
  16. purgatorio

    The M behind the robot looks like MRey but that wouldn't make sense, would it? I'm happy either way but prefer unrobot-masked MRey! Or is that another masked mistress...?
  17. purgatorio

    My album cover (If i ever had an album to cover/ if i was a musician/ if etc.)
  18. Beware-- The Thought Police!
  19. purgatorio

    Queens of the planet.
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