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About Bub09

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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    message me if your interested in it... actually negative, I'm not authorized :( email me?

Profile Information

  • Location
    Long Island
  • Interests
    I'm really into baseball, video games, and horror movies.

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. True to my word Mistress Ahn, now 2nd time poster I must say, Borderland looks pretty sick; however, I'm not too into RPG's... I'll still probably pick it up though because I'm a big first person shooter guy.... Call of duty 4 all the way. I can't wait for the new one to come out, I've actually sunk so low to the practice of team killing out of boredom (I know, I know... it is immature but hell, so is playing video games! Plus its really funny to hear how many jerks on xbox live say "really?... team killing... really?) What are some other games your into? For me, the past month I've been playing a lot of the bigs 2, cod4, nhl10, and of course have had a few drunken rockband nights.
  2. I HAVE TO SEE THIS MOVIE! None of my friends are into horror movies so I've been heavily lobbying for them to see this one and it looks like I finally have a taker I checked last week and it didn't say anything on the website about show times; however, I checked today and it has listed 10 o'clock shows tonight (oct 5th-7th) and also a 12 o'clock showing on Thursday. I think they started playing it on more screens at the nyc movie theater. I thought it was only being played at 12, maybe they added new time showings too? Mistress Ahn, I'm upset you didn't find it scary, I guess I'll have to settle for that heart pumping though I'll report back to base with my review once I see it! By the way, first time poster here... I saw this thread and had to jump all over it because of how much I've been hyping this movie... I then proceeded to scroll down and saw another one of your threads and I'm about to hop on that one too! haha. Horror Movies...AND...Video games? You've got to be kidding me, I didn't know girls like that actually existed. I think I'm in love
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