The first time I went to the Fortress was well over a year ago and it was the single greatest S/M experience I have ever had. I was so thrilled with what Kang and Tan put me through that I could hardly wait to come back. Sadly, the following year became more and more complicated, my girlfriend of 4 1/2 years decided it was time for us to move our separate ways. I just didn't have any interest in much during that rocky time in my life, she was a great girl and always supported my love for the scene even though she didn't care much for it herself. Thankfully later that year I not only met someone else, but I met someone who shared the same interest and passion for S/M that I had...I met a naturally dominant woman. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to find someone like her, it seemed almost too good to be true, it still does. We finally decided that we wanted to take our love of S/M to the next level and have a joint session with Mistress Kang, for me this was a dream come true.
The night before we picked up some toys from Purple Passion(Thanks guys for the recommendation) and practiced the scene we planned at Paddles. Finally the next day we arrived at the Fortress and it was one exhilarating hour of torturous bliss. In the scene I was a schoolboy that was being distracted by my teacher's breasts (my GF) and she decided it was time to take me to see principle Kang and finally teach me a lesson I would never forget. At first my gf was nervous, but Kang made her feel right at home before the scene got underway. It didn't take long at all for her to get into the rhythm and do her best to hold her own. Kang and my GF ended up working really well as a sadistic duo, both taking great pleasure in seeing me squirm, scream and suffer. Their attacks were brutal, relentless and I loved every minute of it. I don't know what hurt more, the things they were hitting me with, or the giggles after every *thwack* After the scene my gf was already talking about turning up the heat on me at home and coming back to the Fortress for another session. I can't thank Kang enough for such a wonderful experience and I feel so lucky that I was able to share it with someone I love so much.
One part in the scene made me scream more than anything I have experience in my entire life. It honestly reminded me of this little video.
There is a huge difference between 1 and 10...