I got slapped by a Vegas stripper once. She accidentally hit me as she was manuevering herself into position for a private lapdance and immediately apologized. Wiseass that I am, told her she hit like a girl. So, she hit me again, this time on purpose. And again, my dumbass antagonized her. Next thing I know, this cute little five foot nothing girl decided I didn't deserve a lapdance but she wanted to haul off on me with open handed faceslaps for the entire song. At one point the sound of the slap was so hard the bouncer came over to check if everything was okay. I had a huge grin on my face, and a bright red handprint from her petite palms. He just looked at me and mumbled something like "what a freak" - I couldn't really tell because my ear was litterally ringing from one of the shots to the face. It was such a rush of blood flowing to the face, the warm sting of fresh skin on skin slapping, the public humiliation factor. I loved it. Vegas is awesome.