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  1. Mistress Ahn, maybe here: http://newyork.citysearch.com/profile/4 ... andal.html or perhaps etsy.com also! check this out maybe http://www.mysticbutterfly.com/ I'd be glad to advance scout places in nyc for you or such if that helps, though I imagine with something as personal as a signature hat you need to go yourself. You'll know it when you see it kind of thing I imagine. - M
  2. I think it depends on what kind of relationship you have with your girlfriend or wife. In some relationships the partner(s) might be okay with it, in others, not so much.
  3. This is a great question. Well, looks are always the first thing that attracts me but they do not create a lasting attraction without brains and personality and a sort of particular taste. And someone who does not strike me a particularly physically attractive at first glance can become very attractive by the traits I mentioned. Alternately, someone who looked so hot at first will seem less attractive if she does not intelligence and the kind of personality or tastes that jibe with my own. For me, submission is a very psychological thing so confidence is nice too. I like it when the mistress enjoys her power over me, feels it and takes pleasure in it. I like playfulness in all relationships and this I think is also attractive for a mistress. But it takes a more devious turn in power exchange and often becomes taunting or mocking or a more serious or sadistic nature. But this intelligence needs to be emotional and intuitive as well as intellectual. If a woman reads me and my weakness without me telling her or even thinking about that and then takes the initiative in exploiting, well that is hot!! A certain bit of pride can be attractive, a kind of haughtiness even. I like it if she can hold my eyes in hers, even though she could make me look away if she wants. A mixture of cruelty and compassion, abuse and sweetness, seduction and forgiveness. So, since this feels a bit vague let me list the traits 1. looks (initially) 2. pleasure in her power over me 3. intelligence, emotional and otherwise, perception 4. confidence 5. playfulness Wow, I could talk about this forever. I will never feel as if I can amply explain it or say enough about it. I think that says how taken I am with it. I am sure I could come up with more but will stop for now.
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