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Mistress Ahn

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Everything posted by Mistress Ahn

  1. Mistress Zhao, Just what are you suggesting here? Ray You'd make a great Mrs. Doubtfire OMG! YES! I second that! This has to happen!
  2. OMG so many good responses. I was expecting a bit more variety in the responses, but so far they all seem to fall under what I'd expected. Thanks guys for taking the time to respond to my late night rumintations. Aw SubDC, I miss your face as my personal hand warmer! The mirrors in the Steel room will never seem as clean as when you were here to mop them with your face. ha! But really come back to NY! I haven't been able to slap anyone as hard as I hit you. Haha! Maybe indeed. I promise I won't violate you! Because I'll be too busy breaking your balls. :twisted:
  3. We're out to get you!! Just kidding LOL I just couldn't find a landscape orientation shot I thought was great. Was planning on having Zhao take a bunch next time, unless you see one you like...? LMK ;-) Lol I only ask because I'm vain so I'd probably use the wallpaper for my laptop, and when I couldnt find one of me my plans were momentarily dashed.
  4. hi allsgood, Though I could tel you exactly how to get to FF from union square, that's something that you'd have to email Jessy about personally. It true that our interests are no longer listed, however that's the beauty of the forum. You can ask us directly in a more informal yet far more personal environment! In case you were wondering, I love a good ball busting session. I was on my hgh school soccer team so I do know a thing or two about bending balls. :twisted: Just ask SlaveD. hehehe.
  5. This refers to a topic that whip posted about looks and compatibility, since the topic has always been one of interest to me. How does a subbie go about choosing their mistress, not only at the FF, but in general? Is there a particular formula? I assume there in the initial attraction of the pictures, but is that enough to go on? Is it a particular look in the eyes? a particular sheen on the ass? The shimmer of her hair in the light? The way the light plays off her nipples? Does it depend on reviews or recommendation? What kind of reviews? Do you prefer a playful mistress? A strict one? A shrewd and calculating one? How much research goes into your ultimate decision? What are the qualities of you ideal mistress? And how do you confirm that you may have found her before meeting her?
  6. I agre with mistress Zhao. I lvoe transforming boys into girls. I've been doing it to my boyfriends since junior high. Its amazing what boys will do for affection. The sad part though is that most of the times, my boys have looked better in my clothes than I do.
  7. Does anyone on this forum play video games? Aw man, probably selling to the wrong crowd with this topic but I dont care. I likes what I likes. So tonight I went to get Halo ODST, but realized that I dont have my 360 (as I'm pet sitting for a friend). I went for the midnight release and was SOOO ready to pwn sum n00bs, when the crushing reality set in. I'm not going to get to play til tomorrow. n00bs must die another day I'm afraid... and my wrath will be taken by the next sub to walk through ffs doors. hehehe. My misfortune is your pain! + :twisted: And if there actually is anyone on this forum that can talk game with me... omgsrsly how sweet does borderlands look?
  8. mustanggt: Yea, I'm hoping there wont be any broken bones just yet. Maybe when I advance to a sparring/ clinching class. Ooo I will be absolutely terrifying! Lol. But I am a tough cookie, and a few bumps and bruises only make me want to train harder. Woffy: I would love your workout regimen! It would give me something to do in my "oh god the pain! WHY OH WHY do I subject myself to this self inflicted torture?" time between classes. ha! Oh and there are no "striking dummies" in our classes. We DO practice on each other. I actually got kicked in the crotch last class, and currently have a bruise that's slowly fading. monokuro: HAHAHAHA! Sounds like that guy deserved it! Serves him right for his macho posturing. I hope to eventually perfect the split-second-pwn-job. harhar. live2service: I miss your beard. :twisted: akiravn1: Oh man, who needs nirvana when you ARE nirvana?!
  9. I am a woman of many a fetish. :twisted: However I cant say I'm really sure when it started. I assume I've always been this way and the "fetishes" just became more clear cut over time. I know I became sure of my inner kink in around the 7th grade when I read Anne Rice's "beauty" saga. That was when I realized that BDSM was a real thing. I think my exact thoughts were somewhere along the lines of: "omg other people think this sort of thing is hot? I'm not just a freak? ALRIGHT!" (aw 7th grade girls) I'm a very visceral person, open to experimentation and discovery of different aspects of myself. When I was really young I had this odd fascination with the marquis de sade, caligula and nero. (I only say odd because usually tweens are into the latest pop icons, not long dead masochist and hedonists) I think more than any actual act of fetishism, for me its always been about power. There is something truly intoxicating about power play. My heart is pounding just thinking about it actually. Its almost too hard to talk about because there is so much to say about it. When I think about someone giving themselves to me, really offering themselves bodily and emotionally, to become a vessel of pain or pleasure at my whim... It's like a shot of adrenaline. Wow, I'm a little out of breath. :twisted: On a lighter note, I have this weird beard thing. Its not that beards turn me on per say. But I'm really partial to people with beards. Mustaches are alright I guess, but beards are just fun pull-able face rugs. I think its comes from a secret desire to have a beard to stroke pensively when I'm deep in thought. I'm also very voyeuristic. I love the idea of watching people doing the nasty with or without their knowledge. But it works both ways, I love the idea of being watched... provided it was by someone I don't actually know... that could just lead to awkwardness. There is also the whole pain thing. Obvious I would think. I just feel that especially in a sexually charged environment a little (or a lot) of pain can go a long way. I always just assumed I was just very feral. ha! OH GOD! And the one thing that always gets me. I love knowing that I'm turning someone on.... but I think that really just goes back to the power aspect, so... nevermind. Oddly enough though, role play has never been a major turn on for me. I'm not sure why as the idea sounds tempting enough. However I think maybe I'm just to grounded in myself to imagine myself being anyone else... if that makes sense. I mean it is FUN to be other people, but I could never pull it off in a sexual setting. Oh my, I feel like I'm ranting, and there is still so much to say. Essentially, in summation AHN = PERVERT. But anyone that knows what the coin on my kitty tat says would know that. :twisted:
  10. Each of us lovely mistresses have our own methods for maintaining our dazzling physiques. For Jessy and Vu its Bikram For Seung it's hitting the gym (and maybe bikrim as well) For Zhoa its yoga For Choi (I think shes actually just naturally that hot.. damn her! jk) she might go to the gym sometimes? Now I've tried yoga, including bikrim and its just not for me. Guess I'm just not cut out for nirvana. I've gone to the gym, but really, how boring! I've even tried belly dancing. Thats when I learned that I have no coordination. So last week I decided to go to a muay thai class. It may have been the most grueling, painful, "thought I may pass out, vomit simultaneously" experience of my life... and I LOVE IT. Has anyone else taken muay thai?
  11. Skeech- I'm glad you'd finally plucked up the nerve to come and pay me a visit. My only hope is that you'll come back again so I can see how limber you've gotten in your time away from me, because I've come up with a new game for us to play! :twisted: Whip- It's always a pleasure seeing you. I do love to tickle those sweet spots. hehehe.
  12. akiravn! You always compliment me ever so genially. However I'm pretty sure I've never had the pleasure ( if you know what I mean :twisted:). All you're talk about me has made me so curious about you... in a beard stroking, fingertips pressed together sort of way... hmmm.
  13. OH MY GOD! I LOOOVE SASHA GREY! Like id like to sire her children if by smoe miracle of science that were possible. lol I thank you sir, for posting anything Sasha Grey related on our forum.
  14. I'm a tall asian girl that acts bossy... no need to fear me 8-) :twisted:
  15. Aw!!! Thank you for wishing me a happy birthday! I had a really good day and I'm glad it was sunny and beautiful just like a certain mistress! Lol
  16. ... I feel like this is something that could only be achieved by a contortionist or a yogi. I think your lowest ribs make it physically impossible though. . . but it doesnt mean you cant be forced into a pile driver and forced to take your own money shot. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
  17. Thanks for all the compliments guys! Now all we need at fortress are videos with 2 mistresses. :twisted:
  18. Those sets were so much fun to shoot! We were joking around about how the sets were turning into real sessions because I was being a bit rough with her. I couldn't help myself, she's so cute! That's right Choi, u really are a muffian. Lol
  19. has anyone seen the movie Sympathy for Lady Vengeance (Chinjeolhan geumjassi)? Its part of the vengeance trilogy by Chan-wook Park (... The other two movies in the trilogy are Sympathy for Mr Vengeance and Oldboy...). Towards the end of the movie the main character is wearing this amazing black leather turtlenecked trench coat that i am so in love with but haven't been able to find!!! Help me someone PLEASE! Does anyone know where I can find one exactly like it? lol She wears it kind of early on in the movie but it's majesty doesn't really become noticeable til the part in the end when the "revenge" is taking place and the camera pans back to show her zipped up in her coat with those dramatic red eyes. . . Love it! Getting off the topic of the jacket, has anyone seen any of the three movies? They're sick... in a good way. Nothing beats a good Korean vengeance flick.
  20. Oh man chocolate was such a good movie! My favorite scene (apart from the amazing "special" fight) is the scene when she first puts her fighting skills to the test and she is like a female autistic Bruce Lee! Amazing! I don't think I've ever seen a Thai movie that I didn't enjoy. Does anyone know about any obscure thai movies that I can netflix?
  21. TOBY! You are the man. Thanks! I'll be sure to check out the site.
  22. here they are, anyone seen a pair of shades like 'em?
  23. In reference to novelty sunglasses. There is this pair of asymmetrical sunglasses that a friend of mine in london had that she lost at a rave we were at. They were really cool and she was really sad that shed never find a pair like them again. While I was walking down the boardwalk on venice beach yesterday I happened to find the exact pair she had but in brown. If anyone could find a site that has the same sunglasses in black or blue that would be amazing... I'd give her my new pair but they are just tooo fun to give up. I'm at the airport now so I can't post a pic yet, but I will as soon as I get to an actual computer.
  24. Oh Paul. How I love our sessions together... and reliving them through your writing makes it all even sweeter. We have such a good time together, every session is more creative and brutal than the last. I can't wait to play with you again.
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