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Mistress Ahn

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Everything posted by Mistress Ahn

  1. If I'd had a hot korean girl cuff me to the bed I'd be curious about us too. Luckily for you, we have quite the selection of delicious/ dangerous asian ladies... ... I bite. (Can't say you were never warned) >
  2. That's a good point. A vampire seductress is incomplete without a pale, veined neck in her grasp. I will need one of those! OH! Can it be me?! Although It would probably take away from the drama of the shoot as we'd probably be laughing the whole time. LOL It'd be a "Dracula: Dead and Loving it" parody with you as Leslie Nielsen (a much MUCH sexier Leslie Nielsen). . . We should do that in our spare time, just for funsies. yes? canwecanwecanwe?! You've got the camera and I've got the time!
  3. 2 words: Banana Hammock. . . make that 4: OMG PLZ BANANA HAMMOCK!
  4. thanks everyone, for all your suggestions. I'll let you all know how it goes!
  5. So I am going to be in London for a week from the 22nd-30th of this month. I'd wanted to visit a dungeon or two while I was out there but am unsure where to start looking. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  6. As most of you might not know, I have a certain obsession with constant change. Particularly when it comes to my hair. I'd gotten a cut recently (the hairstyle in the newest pics) but felt that with the change in seasons it was time to cut it again. How does it look? I was also thinking of adding a bit of color somewhere. I've already had it just about every color under the sun so I'm fresh out of ideas. Any suggestions?
  7. I LOVE a good caning session. Nothing beats being able to stripe someone up with some long lasting rail road tracks!
  8. and the list wouldnt be complete without these
  9. aside from (& including 1 or 2) the pics that are already up these were my fave of the evening.
  10. I won prom queen!! Probably due to some serious string pulling by our lovely judge, Mistress Zhao. lol. But hey w/e I've got the prize to prove it. lol :geek: So how sweet does my grill look?
  11. LOL! Just needed to highlight on the innuendo. har har har, yes, I'd like some cheese with my corn.
  12. Its okay, Im a computer geek too. I have personal reasons for getting that particular tattoo... I wouldnt usually tell people because its still a touchy subject for me. . .but people keep asking and giving cheeky noncommittal responses won't work forever I suppose. My younger brother passed away recently, the tattoo is a memorial. I didn't want to get a name, or a picture- a bit tacky and ghetto. So decided on binary, since its because of him Im such a computer and video game nerd. So... yea. Now you all know.
  13. At my last photoshoot with MZ (I dont think the pics are up yet) I got to thinking. How awesome would it be if we had double sets. How many of you have fantasized about a double (or triple... or quadruple?!) session with us? What a good way to get a visual to go along with your fantasies at home? So, if any of you were to pair up any of us for a photo set, who would be in your fantasy pair? What would the theme of the shoot be? Remember this is all fantasy so get crazy.
  14. I dont know if that's supposed to be a compliment or not. :/
  15. hahaha! It's okay, I saw yours and felt like a hussy! lol!! Then I saw Mistress Kangs and felt I'd hit middle ground. 8-)
  16. coil: I think you were the first person I'd had a session with alone at the fortress. You're too much fun, I want you to know that you're def considered a friend to me.
  17. http://www.humansexmap.com/showmap.php? ... 6.22288469 . . . hmmm. :?
  18. Alas the tan is fading. Yes, Mistress Kang was put in charge with rubbing me down with liberal amounts of lotion. Boy was I burned. Lol, Who says "boy" anymore like its still new and kickin' slang? This girl. This pointless and utterly random digression brought to you in part by: Mistress Ahn <-- (not really)
  19. Hey there my lovely subbies! Seems I'm back from Brazil and boy am I tan. Its a good look for me if I may say so myself. I look like some kind of exotic islander. I'm sure jessy will be putting up some of the pics of my trip. The question is: who will be among the first few to see it in its lovely brown glory? Don't worry I'll be sure to tan you just as nicely. Lol.
  20. OMG TOBY!!! That would have been the best idea EVER! I'm such a Bladerunner fan-girl its un-freakin-believable! I've even got the super cool LED umbrella. lol. Curses! Maybe on the next shoot. Well new pics are up anyway. Unfortunately no nerd-core kink. . . ::sigh:: I wish. lol!
  21. Thank you for your review. Our session was so much fun. I was surprised you were able to take the punishment I was doling out. I hope to see you again so I can make up some more impossible rules for you to adhere to. Lol
  22. hey loser (I like the way that sounds), I am pretty sure that we do offer overnight rates. Call and ask Jessy, I'm sure she'll fill u in. If ever you're in ny we'll keep you warm for the night, then throw you out cold and bruised in the morning. LOL! :twisted:
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