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Everything posted by toby

  1. It definitely looks like it has some texture! how is it in the vibration mode? -toby
  2. As my rating says, "Awesome!!" I agree with Woffyboy too too short. I guess there is a point in wanting more. Nice work, can't wait for the next installment.-toby
  3. Ms Kang, That is quite a corset you got there! I had to go back and check out the "penis" shot, as I didn't notice at first but can appreciate now. As i looked over all of them it figures that the one i liked best would be the least viewed pic. Number four was my favorite as you are positioned slightly angled away from the camera, your curves, your legs, your body positioned perfectly. thanks -toby
  4. Ms Kang, Ahhh earning your "red wings".... It is the first tattoo that I truly remember and had meaning to me as i worked for the Municipal Township one summer during my prep school days, with a bunch of harley davidson riding garbagemen. If my parents only knew the path that summer job would send me down. I would not call it a fetish for my sake, as i am none too sure where that word fits into my life anyway. But after learning the meaning I was damn sure going to earn them so i could report back to my new friends! I like to go down on girls!!! No matter what the weather is like. I LOVE the control of oral sex. :twisted: I love to drag that orgasm out, I don't get tired, I don't get offended if it takes too long. Mostly I am there for myself. :lol: I want the girl to be yelling at me to let her cum. I also enjoy the fact that there is no "fancying" that can be done during that time, it is just raw sex. 8-) I like that it is messy, I like the sex after as it tends to be messy as well. I can replace the sheets! I usually have to persuade and coerce the first time. I really enjoy the awkwardness of the first time she lets me and ESPECIALLY the first time she asks for it. :twisted: I like that the few girls that have allowed me to do this for them during menstruation are usually far more hornier during this time than off the rag. I used to say things like, "more to eat!" Some women are equally disgusted with the mere thought of it. It certainly invokes a different taste but I didn't like coffee the first time i tried it either. -toby i hope that helps!
  5. That's EXACTLY what the scenario was - sort of a slumber party pillow fight gone awry! LOL I personally like this one for nipple action, it's like she's topless but she's still wearing a top LOL Ms Zhao and Seung that was quite hot as i enjoyed that pic as well. The gag, the pushed up shirt and those nipples! And I completely agree with you Akiravn1, Ms Zhao's nipples are still my favorites but just a fantastic picture! -toby
  6. http://www.ocshades.com/p2590/2590---%2 ... _info.html jeepers peepers were out of stock..... must leave now..... -toby
  7. Ahn, My o.c.'s were kicking in this a.m., look up "Jeepers Peepers" i think it is a london company. pretty sure your exact style will pop up. gotta go ride in the park before the yankee game. -toby
  8. those are everywhere, when the search was on for Jessy's glasses those would pop up all over the internet. I don't remember the exact websites but give me some time and i will see if i can track them down. i get a kick out of the reflections of the photo-takers in the candids! Lucky guy. -toby
  9. floyd, i don't normally do this, but i am guessing you're trying to be the new hard case. there will be a few others that will defend Jessy more emphatically than i, not that she needs any help, but if you truly want and desire the answers why not go right to the source? book a session with Jessy, if she'll have you, and ask away. as i recall, your last line of questioning got a thread shutdown, so maybe a private discussion will yield more fruitful results.
  10. Dannyboy, very impressed with the "asymmetrical" approach. it was a word that escaped me, i was using the half cat-eye and half jackie-o design. all i found was something out of a thomas dolby video! the best advice i heard was look in the credits for the book, for the list of accessories on the models and search those designers. -toby
  11. Jessy, i like ur shibari style fishnet! -toby
  12. http://www.humansexmap.com/showmap.php? ... 2.17602638 i had to look a lot of stuff up. :oops: there were a few things that got the red pin but i also know that in my life there are things i put up with in the give and take nature we live in. that statement made no sense. i get enjoyment from the look of satisfaction and giggle of pleasure my Mistress demonstrates after a particularly nice sounding whip crack so i put up with these things in the hope that i will be rewarded with some of the green and purple pins! it was fun and enlightening, i even noticed there were quite a few things that i like and would like to try that were not on the map. :oops: -toby
  13. Ms Seung you look great! No more sally field just want to be on record that you told me that, i never said that. Mz Zhao great shots, i have always wondered in the older photos what the reflections would look like. love the use of the mirrors as part of the pictures. really captures the beauty and well the perfection of Ms Seung. Jessy, thank you for taking the time to showcase your eye for talent both in front of the camera and behind the view finder. Nice Job! -toby
  14. Dannyboy, Reading your posts and reflections are simply entertaining. I am almost tempted to help fund your exploration through the other mistresses just to read about it. I did say almost. Your posts are like the old time cliff hangers. I just keep checking for the next episode! Keep it up! -toby
  15. i must echo all the other votes as candids really accent the Mistress' natural beauty. Ms Seung instead of the cookie you should have stopped at Crif Dog. that would have been a sexy shot! Nice boyshorts.... were they in the little bag? Ms Ahn that was quite a leap, and kudos to the photographer catching the action perfectly! 8-) was it just the one take? i think it is fantastic to see you in any picture since i really do not get much face time while in session. for some reason i am usually not in a position to fixate upon your faces. nice work... looks like you had some good fun! there were no shots of the photographer???? -toby
  16. toby


    Jessy, pardon my reply if i gave that impression, i did not mean to suggest that at all. i just happened to look up at that corner and saw the mannequin display, and thought wow! if those came in black they would look hot! on some of my favorite toes in this city. Birthdays have come, and gone, some are approaching and for fucksake gifts are FUN. giving and receiving. for any reason, especially when someone puts their thoughts into it and a selection is made, and there is no particular reason except to make someone happy. the lists are great. they are not over the top, they fit the person that chose them and each list has a character. a peak in the window that brings happiness to some very special women. just to imagine a chance at seeing the result of a selection whether it be shoes or an origami star. which by the way i will never, ever make! i think i would rather make pommes souffles or tourneed vegetables! and they have to be the most annoying things i have ever made in my life. so please do not take the lists down, they fantastic in an OCD sort of way. makes it easier for me to please whether it be a scented candle or a goddess dress! Ms Seung it looks like torchon/toga. but what a thrill it would be to watch the unwrapping. --toby
  17. toby


    as i was riding the bus up madison ave, i happened to see a pair of shoes in the coach store window, does this pique anyone's interest? http://www.coach.com/content/product.as ... o=%2012841 the heel is not quite as high as you all seem to prefer, and i was really hoping to see them in black, but i think anyone of you could definitely rock them. --toby
  18. Ms Kang, i just noticed the links page does not work. -toby
  19. i thought to myself at first, "I AM DEFINITELY GOING TO THIS!!" i get to see the petite, seductive temptress, mZ (love that signature by the way!) and the equally seductive, taut-framed dream (or nightmare depending on her mood) Ms Kang dolled up in latex and rubber letting my imagination run wild and leaving my mind in the gutter, (without the gutter my mind would be homeless!) BUT i read the description of the dress code, and started to imagine myself in latex and rubber....blech! :shock: :shock: i have way too much body for that! :oops: can't wait for the pictures, -toby
  20. As i have not looked on the main page in quite some time, i looked today and saw quite a lovely surprise! A new face that has graced the gallery for awhile, i have always secretly wondered what it would be like to submit to you, i wait impatiently for the opportunity to see and feel what you may bring to the fortress! :twisted: :twisted: again welcome! -toby
  21. to all, as i have had a wonderful day filled with nothing except drifting in between consciousness, i took the opportunity to read the back pages of the forum. it was a great time seeing all the original posts of ideas and questions even i thought were original. :oops: :!: :?: :!: silly me who else to have asked this question but Ms Kang, herself, way back when... i could only narrow it down to four (although the Alumni Mistress Lee, featured in the Uncensored Forum, is inactive. so do i get a stay of execution for not following directions?) and it was tough after all the references i had to check so here it goes -toby http://www.fortressnyc.com/Players/Seun ... ie/014.jpg Damn she is adorable and perfectly adept with that singletail :twisted: don't let the innocent gaze fool you!
  22. whip I agree with you and may I suggest a long, highcollared PVC/leather trenchcoat or vest, a futuristic look,(think darryl hannah in bladerunner) tall laced black leather boots, spiked hair, a leather corset and possibly a spiked collar. Seeing her in varius states of undress until just the boots and collar remain?! OH BOY! -toby
  23. to all, I am one whom enjoys his anonymity normally but when an opportunity presents itself, one that is extraordinary, it simply can't be passed over. I had a certain opportunity recently, an opportunity to be surrounded by 6 beautiful and sadistically inclined Asian lovelies. I was to be fawned over, teased, twisted, and generally turned into their play toy. A VIP in the land of bdsm. I was greeted by the Grand Mistress Kang and escorted to a room where I was greeted by none other than the petite tempest Ms Vu, a demure Ms Zhao, a seductive and inviting Ms Seung, the dangerous and unpredictable Ms Ahn, and the wild card Ms Lee! Overwhelmed was my first reaction followed by :twisted: excitement thinking of all the wonderful possibilities the next few hours would hold. The teams were picked, Vu and Seung to start, Jessy and Lee to follow, and Zhao and Ahn as the closers! If anybody ever gets a chance like this do it! just imagine being in a room full of asian delight, hand picked by Jessy. she is a master at assembling the perfect group and the perfect experience, in arguably the most perfect setting! You will undoubtably be amazed at the way this team systematically will take you apart mentally and physically, in a fun but competitive way. They all complement each other in technique and manners. they are true wolves in dainty lamb's clothes. when the cute unassuming coverings were removed, the giggling and laughter started and the pain followed. oh and what beautiful pain it was! i relish another chance at this incredible opportunity! if you are curious....make haste! -toby p.s. where do i go from here?
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