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Everything posted by toby

  1. Ms Minnie, i am one to believe that you have one, chef/gyuto, depending upon your preference, keep it sharp and use for everything. I understand the premise that there is a perfect tool for each job but that is allot of work outside of work to upkeep. i just don't have the patience and the "oc's" would start kicking in and i would have to sharpen everything to a laser edge. i have allot now only because i tend to buy more than i can use, (some are still in the box!) i am sure as i have been reading every post that you have written that you get as much satisfaction from the seemingly mundane "chores" to the intricate. i can only dream in anticipation that my schedule will change towards the next holiday, it will, i make it! then i will get the chance to see how vigorously you have been training yourself for this new skill set, as if you are like me, you will not be satisfied until you hang with the best and be remembered for adding a little artisitic license :twisted: 8-) it is too bad that i have just found some of your favorites as i just drank my last 94 puligny-montrachet on the holiday. it didn't suck! but speaking of champagne, favs to include, Perrier- Jouet Bouteille Le Fleur, LP rose, Billecart-Salmon rose. impatiently wanting the days to move faster -toby
  2. Why hello there, Toby. It does seem unusual that you are fearful of a good mental enema. I would not perceive you as one who cannot endure some verbal abuse. I would think that a good dose of physical tests that require time management and heat would be best for you. It would be amusing to watch you fail. But I guess I won't know until you enter my realm. I highly recommend that you prepare yourself as one would if he were in the weeds. Ms Minnie, it is not fear of a good mental enema, but i have not run into anyone that can take on the challenge in about 9 years. i loved the verbal abuse, i just miss it! there have been a few whom have tried but i would usually get bored, and then self-destruct because of my lack of patience. i miss it all, the weeds, the adrenaline rush, the yelling, the egos, and the camaraderie. i read your post in the devotee forum and i nearly jumped up and down with joy. i believe i want to be caught by you at the beginning of the rush without the mise en place i need to survive the weeds, trying to make it a la minute! i will be there as soon as i can :!: would you like me to bring you anything? :idea: Thank You Ms Chan for calling me out on my veiled plea for help! -toby
  3. hey whip, i have not been on the forum for quite awhile and i came across this post of yours and there are a couple of the Mistresses that i have drooled over and obsessed with and one of them was my first experience but i wanted to find out more about myself to be better equipped before i wasted her time again :oops: . Ms. Kim was my first and she has touched me psychologically much deeper than she may know as i think back to how ridiculously i acted as a fumbling, bumbling fool that first time. i have spent many a night thinking about her and i always find myself blowing up those pics of her in those leather boots! I must say i am very excited to see Ms Kirot back in the fold, as her gaze draws me in whenever i come across her pics! Ms. Vu captures my imagination as well in all her glorious pictures and strangely the candid shots of her outside are what excites me, not that i would ever run into her on the streets of the seaport, not my area of town! Finally there is Ms Chan whom i fantasize and anticipate/worry will wrap her dulcet tones into a noose about my mind where i can only imagine would be a wonderful and exciting place to die if just for a moment, and to need her to keep me afloat instead of drowning in my own thoughts. The sirens that i have answered within the fortress walls and that have already bent my will and back so easily through mere suggestion and tested my fortitude with their weapon of choice whether it be physical or mental occupy my daily thoughts and pop up in my nightly thoughts as well. such sweet lasting memories no matter the trials i had to endure to gain them. thank you all -toby
  4. Hey Wu Tang, i am a fan of this as well, and i agree with subonenyc i would prefer to be the one spit on. nothing like the humiliation from this as you watch your mistress help keep your mouth watered for whatever task is at hand. -toby
  5. good for you for noticing that there are limits and taking care of yourself. you are special as you bring a certain ambience, enthusiasm, and character to your sessions, it is comforting to know you will be able to enjoy it even more. this bodes well for everyone involved as your personal attention makes the whole experience really attractive. i look forward to the next chance i get to worship you, i do not think i rank in your closed group, i will dream of it though thank you for all your attention thus far! -toby
  6. Jessy, it has been a week since my first session with you and i must say i have thought about you and the session often over the passed week. i smile about certain things as i noticed the healing process occurring. this little spot was not tender anymore or that mark was disappearing. it was all fun to be there to think i was the center of all that wonderful attention. i miss it and if i was more up to date on my bills i could definitely have gone for another round. :twisted: :twisted: as i was entertaining yesterday during the marathon, i had to close a few windows on my computer. :oops: well when i reopened the website i could not help but notice the fact that your link was missing. Is this something to worry about?! :shock: is it just a faulty web glitch or is a change coming? :cry: i can't help but say please don't go, but if you are taking a break i am very happy no lucky i had a chance to be at your mercy..... --toby
  7. Hello Mistresses is anyone attending the ball tomorrow night? The parade? -toby
  8. i am a huge fan of the ink on Ms Ahn, especially the one on her right shoulder, and her new one in binary code. maybe i will be able to figure it out the next time i am in a position to study it. i also like the Ms Minnie's ink even though i have not yet seen it live. i can only hope that will be soon! there is a serious devotion to the pleasure that comes from pain as the locations of the Mistress' work (including their piercings) are in some sensitive areas. i have allot of respect for that devotion! -toby
  9. Spockme, i read your post before i went in the fortress today for a session with Ms Kang and Ms Zhao. so i posed your question to Ms Zhao, and i will not ruin the surprise as i think you deserve the explanation from her not me . i had an equally enjoyable time, and was shaking uncontrollably by the end of it. double sessions are absolutely the way to go! -toby
  10. Spockme, i had quite a few laughs thinking about this one. i thought that with my love of water sports and roller coasters that we could build a Flume complete with butt plugs to keep us in our seats, and posture collars to keep our heads in the correct position for those wonderful showers. we could install toilet boxes for one of the stops for the 8 seat boat and the luck of the draw would be which flavor you taste. we could also incorporate some target dexterity like the squirt gun and balloon carnival game and the Player with the best aim wins a prize! -toby
  11. :?: For all the Mistresses, as this month marks the b-day of Ms Kim are there particular gifts that please you all more than others? We have all been reminded recently of Ms Seung's love for Agent Provocateur Lingerie, but are there other personal favorites? what other things may put a smile on your faces? gadgets?, espresso machines?, gift certificates?, picnic baskets?, toys?, weapons of mass destruction?, metro-cards?....
  12. Ms. Kim what are some of your favorite things so i may have an idea for a birthday gift for you! :? -toby
  13. after i pressed submit i realized i should have added a bit more; :oops: hands down the picture i look at the most since the first day i happened upon the Fortress to this day is in Ms Kim's leather gallery, #16 if reading left to right from top down. i look at that picture at least 6 times a day. that whole leather outfit is fantastic, especially the boots! i have all my favorites highlighted on my desktop (quite a few windows open in spaces 4), including Ms. Seung's schoolgirl #10, Ms. Ahn's secretary #8, Ms. Kirot's qipao #9, Ms. Minnie's tea #20, Ms. Minnie's hallway #4, Ms. Vu's corset #7, Ms. Seung's lingerie #8, Ms. Kim's zip pants #15, Ms. Ahn's silver #7, and the look of blissful disdain questioning "what it is i am looking at?" in Ms. Kang's pink #13 is fantastic and fills me with a certain anxiousness as if i was caught staring too long...-toby
  14. Hello All, there are some great photos on the gallery of some pretty amazingly HOT Women. Are there any that any of you, Mistresses included, are either most proud of or most drawn to? and why?
  15. JJR, i appreciate your honesty and your time as i am new to this scene, my limited experience has been realized within the fortress. i have no idea where my fetishes fit in from the mundane to the extraordinary but as i look for more information and more play, i really enjoy the expression from all the players and the people who enjoy the fortress. -toby
  16. Jacob, how long was your session? what is the optimum time frame? i had the pleasure of being with Ms Seung for an hour and then Ms Ahn for a hour back to back. it was a fantastic experience and i fantasize about having a session with them together, as i have never had a double Mistress session but am working towards that end. too bad you did not post in the devotee forum as i would love to know what :twisted: they put you through !! was there a good cop bad cop during the session? -toby
  17. toby


    Ms Kang, whatever is easier for you. it would seem to save a few steps and some time out of your busy day. i really liked the one on one attention that you gave me during my initial request for a session. i happen to personally enjoy the fact that i am conversing with you ! -toby
  18. ooh la la au oui oui!! Ms Kang, have a safe and fun trip! if you get a chance for an expensive, fantastic meal, try Michel Rostang or Guy Savoy. (Michel Rostang also has a few bistros in the city as well on the cheaper side.) I have not been to France in ten years since i lived there. :mrgreen: i am jealous, Montmartre and Sacre Coeur, the discos, the cafes, sitting down to enjoy a coffee and to people watch! oh la vache! and of course the women! enjoy! -toby ps have you been before?
  19. Ms Ahn, for me, and specifically when i sessioned with you and Ms Seung, it was about wanting more. i don't know if i found a zone as i can be pretty stubborn as well. i just tried to relax and take more. you checked in a few times inquiring if i had had enough but i always wanted more. there was a point where the white flag went up and you switched gears, and you went more in the line of verbal/mental abuse. it is funny, i love the physical abuse but the mental side is very exciting. i often fantasize about our session and i grow impatient with myself, i need to go back, i need more abuse by your lovely hands and wicked mind.-toby
  20. Ms Seung, Wow! what a hot picture. i love the little bows. there is an incredibly lucky guy out there that gets to see that live and remove it. hell getting to watch you put it on must be heaven as well. i would like to see it from the back! you have a perfect body that goes well with that sick mind of yours. You make it impossible to say no. as do all the Mistresses at the Fortress. it is impossible to have to wait until the next chance i will have to be at your feet. i have found the website and looked at a few of the selections. what are your favorites? -toby
  21. hmmm very excited just thinking about this in minute that i have this morning, Ms Kim i have a girl in mind that would enjoy that transformation and such play. You may have to coach her to be a little more dominant, it didn't work out as she was too submissive and i like to switch every once in awhile, but i think You could handle that. Ms Kim, i have not had but a minute to think and dream but, i see you dressed this year as a Lion Tamer. easily the most regal and sadistic position in any circus. I see you in a sheer top complete with the blustery ruffles showing off your every move as if you were in motion at all times, a leopard print bikini, i can't decide between an ultra short leather mini skirt to show off the top of your legs and from my angle the bottom of that bikini or a pair of form fitting latex shorts. It would not be complete without those lace up black leather thigh high boots. hung around your waist would be various clips and rings to hold your tools of your trade, definitely a single tail whip, a switch or two, or perhaps an electric cattle prod. in your hand would be two long chain leashes connected to your two collared subbies (hopefully one would be me) dressed in furry heads and makeup with paws and long tails, barebacked for your pleasure. You could stroll the streets stopping when a small crowd would gather to show off your skills at controlling your untrained cubs and teaching us proper form. afterwards you could take us to a party to perform for your friends!
  22. To all, this financial crisis is what it is. it is the beginning of a recession and we have been here before and we will get through this too. as someone who is not in the financial "world", and has never enjoyed the highs it has offered for the past 5-6 years, since it was not a field that interested me, the downturn of the economy still affects everyone. being in the service industry, the numbers have gone down, the business is off but it is more important now to support the establishments you have enjoyed prior to this day if you want them to continue. i am new to bdsm and the Fortress. i want it to continue. i am not a high spender and i struggle with that as i would love to be. i would love to spend more time there on a regular basis, (i am trying to make it regular and i am close! )and i am envious of the sessions some people can take. having this wonderful, professional outlet filled with exotic, beautiful, and enthusiastic women has made me look at the other "luxuries" in my life, like cabs over public transportation if it means i can be at the feet of Ms Ahn, Ms Kim, or Ms Seung again. i am not leaving out the opportunity to experience Ms Kang, Ms Vu, Ms Chan, or Ms Kirot i just have not gotten that far yet! i have a found the Fortress and Ms Kang at a crossroads in my personal life and not much will stand in my way of this journey to self discovery. it's all about priorities and the Fortress is a priority for me, the escape and the therapy can't be beat, better than any shrink i have seen in the past! and they are covered by the biggest racket in the world, the insurance companies. Mistresses i hope to see you all soon! -toby
  23. Ms Kim, first of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i am a big fan of this time of year as well the whole season changing thing. halloween is fantastic as it is THE day that showing off your freakishness is accepted even in this accepting city. a day when staring at someone is invited and the spectacle is fantastic. i do not trick or treat per se, but usually find myself down at the parade in the village or at some party enjoying the evening. have you any plans for your costume this year? what would you dress up a sub as if you could take him trick or treating with you? maybe you could take them dressed up around the fortress. you just can't get enough tricks or treats! -toby
  24. Ms Ahn, underneath that facade i walk around with everyday known as me, lives my perverted mind which has been on fire since the day i met you. inflamed in the way other more intimate parts were on that blissful day. i have a collection of images that swim through my conscious and unconscious mind during all hours. i find myself not wanting to wake up from the dreams, looking back around corners just out of reach to see that wicked smile, to hear that taunting laugh, but most of all to glimpse your wicked beauty from the ground up. to see you in all your magnificence and to feel your work, to see it in the reflection of the mirror, to experience it through all my senses and it's at that moment, that split second where i can focus on a distant smell, flavor, or sound that i always seem to wake up or snap out of it back to my world. :? the shock of it all, why can't i go back? why did i have to wake up right then? it was all so good. it's in that moment before the facade masks back over, the looks i get from some people, "what were you thinking about?" i laugh to myself, look away with a knowing smile, and a gleam in my minds' eye; these are mine, there will be no sharing. i hope to be cute for you again real soon! delicious :!: -toby
  25. I had the great fortune to behold the beauty of Ms Seung on thursday. She is captivating, she draws you in with her incredible beauty, her light giggles, her endearing smile until you find yourself willing to do anything to keep her interested, say anything to keep her laughing with that fantastic smile. Ms Seung's pictures pale in comparison to her reality. like the myth of the sirens, as a sailor, i would crash my ship into any rock she inhabited if that would please her. she politely broke me exactly how she wanted. i was happily wrapped around her finger. She was a joy to be with as she easily manipulated me into some very difficult situations, i was more than happy to please. but don't be fooled, lurking under that innocent skin lies a twisted sense of humor ready to lash out when i spoke out of turn, stepped out of line, or just because it pleased her. as if by accident Ms Seung would lull me into a false sense of security, waiting for that next giggle, that next coo, only to leave me completely unsuspecting until i felt the sting barely noticing the whoosh of air and longing for the sound of the slap. i will happily walk down any path to please her, anything she asked me to do i would gladly do. i strongly urge anyone to be at her mercy, it is lots of fun. . toby
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