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Everything posted by itatatatatai!!

  1. OH HO HO HO HO HO!! *with hand raised to mouth in contorted fashion* Holy crap. I wish I had checked back on this forum a lot sooner. I will tooooootally hook you up with what I have of seasons 2 and 3 of gyagu manga. Unfortunately the fansubbers have been lazy and only about half of each season has been subbed thusfar. I can probably find RAWs but gyagu can be difficult to enjoy without translations due to the numerous puns. Even though I can only understand <50% of the RAW episodes they're still funny beyond belief. And hey I looked all over for Ouran Host Club paraphernalia but to no avail. Seems like it's a lot easier to order the sh^t online from Amazon than to find it in Japan. PM me with an email address so I can send you links to download gyagu manga. It might take a while to upload SINCE I'M ON VACATION but I will get it done as quickly as I can.
  2. That ponytail winter cap is soulfully sublime. There's a hat store a couple blocks from where I live (in Tdot) called Wildhagen. Their winter 2010 collection is dripping with funkiness and originality and may harbor something to your liking. I was thinking of heading back to New York one more time before year's end and next weekend is my only chance due to work and the fact I'm going to Japan (yay!) next month. Sooooo, if there are 1 or 2 hats (not the entire collection!!) from Wildhagen that you fancy then I can pick em up for you and possibly deliver them to you if I do end up going to Noo Yawk next weekend. ja mata ne
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