Here's something I was thinking about today.
I do push ups as part of my work. I started doing them in my early teens and haven't stopped. Currently I'm trying to do 300, on bars, every day. I used to do between 200 and 300 every other day but I changed that. When I was in the Army I could do 120 standard push ups in 2 minutes.
So I was wondering what Mistress at the Fortress do you think can do the most push ups? They are all fit and in shape so It would be an interesting challenge, too me at least. If there was a contest I would be rooting for M Lu because she is the smallest (That would probably be until one of the other mistresses beat my ass down until I rooted for her. ) I'm a little guy and I have an affinity for anyone else of like stature, especially admirable females.
So what says you? I think any of the mistresses would impress the hell out of all of us, but which one do you think could do the most?
Here is a link to a young woman knocking the s&%t out of it with 63 push ups.