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You could also call it some form of OCD. I imagine him feeling a great sense of urgency during the daytime after finding the signs that need correcting. What bothers me is the incorrect spacing left once he removes or adds the apostrophe.



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I feel like I can relate to this, in session I always have to do things symmetrically (mark each butt cheek equally, make my subs worship both feet equally etc.) without that balance I can feel my eye start to twitch!


Ahhh ... that explains the last few smacks on ONLY MY LEFT butt cheek ....



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I feel like I can relate to this, in session I always have to do things symmetrically (mark each butt cheek equally, make my subs worship both feet equally etc.) without that balance I can feel my eye start to twitch!

omg same - especially when I'm about to have a sub tied to the ladder or the table, they just HAVE to be in the exact middle or i go crazy!

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MISTRESS JESSY KANG...in anticipation of your OVERWHELMING PHYSICAL PERFECTION of most alluring SENSUAL ALLUREMENT conceivable...I most agonizingly wait to endure YOUR most profound implementation of male debasement at the hands of a TORTUROUS BEAUTY of well known and fully enacted extremism empowered by your most impressive unyielding SUPERIORITY and fully known inferiority of the pathetic male gender in close proximity to your most irresistible allurement personified...See YOU tomorrow as scheduled for my BIRTHDAY BASHING of brutal intolerable PERFECTION fully implemented most enthusiastically most interminably...Lonewolf and the BREATHTAKING BEAUTIFUL BOSS...at the INCOMPARABLE FETISH FORTRESS!!!

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