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Religious Role-play: Possible at Fortress?


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  • 3 weeks later...

I like this idea! I always love a good revenge role play.

Yummy.....yes, between the earnest fervor of the young novitiates and the teenage mindset of the pent-up school girls there isn't likely to be even ONE shade of grey, just the black and white of sin and punishment.


The young nuns, still adjusting to the finality of their chastity vows put all their thwarted energies into the canes and switches they are using on the father.  The two young women holding his arms down and the third kneeling before him as he accepts his painful communion start to feel a kinship with the young novitiate wielding the cane.  They see that glimmer of anger and lust in her eyes and note her flush face. Her forehead is glistening from her exertions and her nostrils are reddening like a salamander on the beam of a flashlight. There's a suggestion of a smile as she says 'twenty-five!!'.  The father's outcry distracts the others from the groans of the young zealous novitiate whose body is shaken by a sensation she has already given up without understanding the extent of that sacrifice.  As she lowers her cane and arm she feels an emptiness in the pit of her stomach.  She notices the young woman who is cradling the weeping priest's face in her hands.  She notices her slender fingers comforting the repentant priest.  Her lovely pale face, her shock of red hair and her look of empowerment.  That empty feeling is no more. 

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  • 7 years later...
On 10/16/2017 at 3:08 PM, Mistress Kang said:


I agree. Religion based humiliation play is most certainly less taboo for Americans (particularly Black/White) than race based humiliation play. I prefer race play over religion play simply because I'm not that familiar with Anglo religion and racism play carries a very different stigma in my culture and history as a Chinese-American. There is no history of Black slavery by Chinese-Americans. There is no history of Asian supremacy in America. 


I once discussed a possible scene with a sub who was Muslim. He wanted to be treated like a dog and forced to eat pork from a dog dish. It was something I was really excited about doing but in the end he changed his mind. To this day I still think that would have been one of the most extreme things I could have done. Forcing a Muslim to eat pork such a degrading way would truly be a powerful act. Lately I've fantasized about this scenario more than I have others, probably because I haven't done it yet? One way it would be even MORE degrading is to put a him in a predicament where he is forced to BEG to eat the pork on his own- willingly unwilling.

This made me feel some type of way 👀. I can imagine me on my knees while Mistress Dietz standing there looking down on me and demanding that I eat it😅 

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