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Your favorite erogenous zone.

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According to this article, your astrological sign decides which body part you are most hot for!  

I am not sure how accurate this could be, but mine was right on the money, as it predicted correctly.

Da Booty!  

I go crazy over a massage on the butt/thighs more than any other body part, & am also always subconsciously checking out cute butts.

(Probably because I just wanna spank them!) 

What is yours?


Edited by Mistress Von Dietz
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..for me it's the ears, tongue in my ear, nibbling at the lobe, breathing or blowing around the ear - sets me off

and the nape of the neck, hickies etc (the idea of being 'marked' by the lust of the partner) takes me over the edge and out of the realm of 'reason'

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I also got the butt.  Must be my lucky day, as that puts me in the company of MVD and Mistress Zito!  Now I'm not going to be able to sleep at all, just thinking about showering their beautiful booties with kisses. And wondering what kind of evil things they would do to my butt!

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Interesting article.  My most sensitive erogenous zone is the ears.  Stimulation to my ears will have me bucking almost like a bronco.  The article says that a Cancerians chest and nipples are sensitive.  That is true for me.  Nipple torture for me is not pleasurable, but softer play is quite nice.  On attraction, a woman's ears are not generally a place that I am looking.  I do enjoy a pretty face and shapely curves. 

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On 4/2/2019 at 1:38 AM, otaku said:

Mine says skeletal system and joints

Imagine walking up to someone and telling them "Sexy bones you have there, it would be arousing to see them naked"

I like brains the most though, they taste salty

As a fellow Capricorn the knees are mentioned particularly. I am aware that knees of the goat are most vulnerable but cannot relate to any particular eroticism or intimate sensitivity relating to knees or the skeleton. Other parts of my body are often the loci of attention by Mistresses and or ladies who otherwise aim to please. Were I a skeleton I would be even less attractive to most women I know. I certainly would never fuck a skeleton regardless of astrological sign.


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14 hours ago, Mistress Vivienne Fang said:

Chest and breasts allegedly!  I do have a great appreciation for a nice, chiseled pair of manboobs, I have to say.

Well what's interesting about me is that I have the chest of someone who looks like they took a tumble in a Russian prison and came out on top

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