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Guest Mistress Kang

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Guest Mistress Kang

Just got back from a much needed late summer vacation to San Juan, Puerto Rico- WEPAAA! LOL


Yes, I have pics and will be posting them soon ;-) My trip was extended by mother nature and Hurricane Earl- hooray for meeee!


Now, what did I do there besides feed the perverted eyes at the "adult" resort's pool every morning?

Hmm..let's see...on the first day at the beach I learned to "play" football with 3 super cute locals (the dirty blonde hazel-eyed one was my personal fave), few days later I put my new (ahem) football-playing skills to work on the beach again with these 2 guymendudes (found out they were from N. Carolina and were real actual football players!, unlike me lol), played golf at another resort that was too far away (both the Tiger Woods kind *AND* the miniature neon/glow-in-the-dark kind found at the mall LOL yes I'm serious), go-karted (thrice!), rode a horse (or maybe it was a large pony? who knows, but it felt too weird and just once was enough lol), went down (at super-wet-speed) a few WATER SLIDES (OMG! SOOO much fun! even though the seams of the slide hurt my butt I kept going back for more! lol), visited Old San Juan where I gave candy to stranger (again, serious), shopped at the largest Forever 21 store I've ever seen (twice) lol, and got lost driving just about every day since just about..oh..NONE of the addresses to the places on my list were in the GPS system- boo!


I know it sounds like it was an action-packed vacation- it was but I did also get a chance to just relax and read (a book) on the beach and at all 3 poolsides ;-) Oh! and there was both a Haagen Dazs AND Baskin Robbins down the block from the resort- Dulce de Leche, Midnight Cookies N Cream and Jamocha Almond Fudge at least every other night ;-P and smoothies the rest of the time! LOL

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