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Therapeutic Value?

Guest Switch Minnie Chan

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:?: Some find that the release and escape of play is very therapeutic. It may help deal with some conflicts that occur on a daily basis or some ongoing conflict. I also think that it serves as a recreation that is out of the ordinary. It's a fun time that creates new skills and new goals. What do you think and where do you think you fit in? :?:

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I think we all hit subspace at different times..It really does depend upon the level of comfort and trust you feel with the person that you're playing with.


I would imagine that given the pictures from the fortress, it'd be an easy place to slip into that place of comfort where the line of pain/pleasures becomes very blurry :)

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BDSM play is intense and meaningful for me on several different levels. I have been kinky and either fantasized about or engaged in BDSM play from the time I discovered what was between my legs and between my ears. If vanilla sex could be said to be therapeutic then BDSM is as well. I sometimes crave a good old-fashioned ass-whooping to relieve stress or anxiety. And, of course, a good heavy beating is erotic and produces an endorphin high. But it is only part of a potentially far deeper experience. Surrendering personal power or the illusion of power in obedience and devotion to another is magical and so intensely erotic an experiential. It is not healing for the soul but nourishment for the soul. Having that personal power taken is whats most dramatic and intense. For me, it balances out perspective and energy and certainly recharges my top batteries. It can also be a super aphrodisiac. The afterglow can last for weeks.

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Dear M. Chan,

I find that play for me is more of a therapeutic escape not so much from conflict, but from an extremely busy work week, which of course looked at in that respect, it realistically may more serve as a kind of recreation. I just like to think initially that I am in control of a situation, but what excites me even more is finding out that I am suddenly and without warning losing all control. To find out that the tables have turned and I am powerless and totally at the mercy of another with no bargaining chip in sight, when this individual turns a deaf ear to my pleas for release and starts to inflict pain. At the time my mind begins to acknowledge that loss of control and then translates the feeling into total submission, to me that is when the idea of sub space sets in. When that submission is to a beautiful Mistress, to me that particular feeling far surpasses that of having her at my mercy or under my thumb.

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  • 1 month later...
:?: Some find that the release and escape of play is very therapeutic. It may help deal with some conflicts that occur on a daily basis or some ongoing conflict. I also think that it serves as a recreation that is out of the ordinary. It's a fun time that creates new skills and new goals. What do you think and where do you think you fit in? :?:


It is absolutely therapeutic for me. I have to make a lot of decisions and tell people what to do all day long, every day. The funny thing is that in the "real world" I have a rather forceful and dominant personality. When I am in a session, then for an hour or two I give up all the control. I make no decisions. It is a total stress relief. I have noticed that the more stress full my life is, the more I crave sessions. The less stress I have the less I feel the need to be dominated.



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