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Guest Mistress Kim

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October is my one of my favoite months of the year..well not only because of my b-day... :D but halloween is so much fun...does anyone still go trick-or-treating :lol: What would you dress up as??? i can gurantee anyone who dares to have a session with me will get plenty of tricks and treats!!!!!

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Wouldn't it be fun to go trick-or-treating at The Fortress? Imagine all the fun we subs would have going from room to room dressed in outrageous costumes (or nothing at all) and i can only imagine what sort of "tricks" and "treats" the delighfully sinful Mistresses would have up their sleeves.. hmmmm... look forward to meeting You Mistress Kim.



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Ms Kim, first of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i am a big fan of this time of year as well the whole season changing thing. halloween is fantastic as it is THE day that showing off your freakishness is accepted even in this accepting city. a day when staring at someone is invited and the spectacle is fantastic. i do not trick or treat per se, but usually find myself down at the parade in the village or at some party enjoying the evening. have you any plans for your costume this year? what would you dress up a sub as if you could take him trick or treating with you? maybe you could take them dressed up around the fortress. you just can't get enough tricks or treats! :D -toby

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hello josh

thta would be quite an aweosomeidea wouldn't it? i'd give you more tricks than treats tho :lol:




Wouldn't it be fun to go trick-or-treating at The Fortress? Imagine all the fun we subs would have going from room to room dressed in outrageous costumes (or nothing at all) and i can only imagine what sort of "tricks" and "treats" the delighfully sinful Mistresses would have up their sleeves.. hmmmm... look forward to meeting You Mistress Kim.



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hey toby

thank you one year older and more wiser i hope... :lol: i hope this year brings even more laughs and and adventure!!! i'm not sure what i'd dress up..that's a great ? i know it wouldn't be the typical witch or goblin, etc. not that there's anything wrong with that...hmmm how about if i pose the ? to you...what would you dress me up as ? If i must admit that's one of the great things about the fortress and the clients..they don't have to dress up to express their "other" side..we all are quite comfortable with our bad selves.. :lol: it doesn't take a holiday like halloween to prove that!!! however if i had sub, actually make that 2 subs..one boy one girl...i'd have them dress up in the oppposite clothing..dress for him, pants for her..i'd make them walk around on leashes....spank the crap out of them and force them to pleasure eachother when clearly they are embarrassed to do such an act (in public) on command...almost like a big show for anyone who was around(except kiddies)...so do u think you can take on this challange? :twisted:


Ms Kim, first of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i am a big fan of this time of year as well the whole season changing thing. halloween is fantastic as it is THE day that showing off your freakishness is accepted even in this accepting city. a day when staring at someone is invited and the spectacle is fantastic. i do not trick or treat per se, but usually find myself down at the parade in the village or at some party enjoying the evening. have you any plans for your costume this year? what would you dress up a sub as if you could take him trick or treating with you? maybe you could take them dressed up around the fortress. you just can't get enough tricks or treats! :D -toby
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hmmm very excited just thinking about this in minute that i have this morning, Ms Kim i have a girl in mind that would enjoy that transformation and such play. You may have to coach her to be a little more dominant, it didn't work out as she was too submissive and i like to switch every once in awhile, but i think You could handle that. ;)

Ms Kim, i have not had but a minute to think and dream but, i see you dressed this year as a Lion Tamer. easily the most regal and sadistic position in any circus. I see you in a sheer top complete with the blustery ruffles showing off your every move as if you were in motion at all times, a leopard print bikini, i can't decide between an ultra short leather mini skirt to show off the top of your legs and from my angle the bottom of that bikini or a pair of form fitting latex shorts. It would not be complete without those lace up black leather thigh high boots. hung around your waist would be various clips and rings to hold your tools of your trade, definitely a single tail whip, a switch or two, or perhaps an electric cattle prod. in your hand would be two long chain leashes connected to your two collared subbies (hopefully one would be me) dressed in furry heads and makeup with paws and long tails, barebacked for your pleasure. You could stroll the streets stopping when a small crowd would gather to show off your skills at controlling your untrained cubs and teaching us proper form. afterwards you could take us to a party to perform for your friends! :D

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Dear Mistress Kim,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY & HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! I love this time of year as well, since the change of season into autumn is always so picturesque. I also love the thought of being frightened in some manner as Halloween approaches. I just came back from New Orleans where I went on both a ghost tour and a voodoo tour, so that really set the stage for putting me in the proper spirit. I would love to fall victim to any trick that you might have up your sleeve this Halloween. As far as what kind of costume I would like to see you in, the first thing that comes to mind is some sort of she devil, but I would love the whole costume to consist entirely of body paint to show off your absolutely wonderful, sexy body, I actually couldn't ask for a more delicious treat. :twisted:

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I know this wasn't posed to me, but I do know I could accept that challenge... actually is rather close to a fantasy of mine.


hey toby

thank you one year older and more wiser i hope... :lol: i hope this year brings even more laughs and and adventure!!! i'm not sure what i'd dress up..that's a great ? i know it wouldn't be the typical witch or goblin, etc. not that there's anything wrong with that...hmmm how about if i pose the ? to you...what would you dress me up as ? If i must admit that's one of the great things about the fortress and the clients..they don't have to dress up to express their "other" side..we all are quite comfortable with our bad selves.. :lol: it doesn't take a holiday like halloween to prove that!!! however if i had sub, actually make that 2 subs..one boy one girl...i'd have them dress up in the oppposite clothing..dress for him, pants for her..i'd make them walk around on leashes....spank the crap out of them and force them to pleasure eachother when clearly they are embarrassed to do such an act (in public) on command...almost like a big show for anyone who was around(except kiddies)...so do u think you can take on this challange? :twisted:


Ms Kim, first of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i am a big fan of this time of year as well the whole season changing thing. halloween is fantastic as it is THE day that showing off your freakishness is accepted even in this accepting city. a day when staring at someone is invited and the spectacle is fantastic. i do not trick or treat per se, but usually find myself down at the parade in the village or at some party enjoying the evening. have you any plans for your costume this year? what would you dress up a sub as if you could take him trick or treating with you? maybe you could take them dressed up around the fortress. you just can't get enough tricks or treats! :D -toby
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Dear Mistress Kim,

Happy birthday and happy halloween. Dressed in fine oriental silk dress with your hair up. you would then apply many needles to me to show off to your friends as a tirck gone bad. of corse at some point the treat would be your disrobbing and beattng me .well a lille perverted but what a thouht I would honor the abuse . By the way i still have your panties. FS Spockme

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October is my one of my favoite months of the year..well not only because of my b-day... :D but halloween is so much fun...does anyone still go trick-or-treating :lol: What would you dress up as??? i can gurantee anyone who dares to have a session with me will get plenty of tricks and treats!!!!!

Ms. Kim what are some of your favorite things so i may have an idea for a birthday gift for you! :? -toby

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i love to role play Mistress Kim ... love it!


you have caught my eye online many many times. i just joined this forum. i can't believe you are a Mistress at NYC ... wow ... does that mean. i can come to NY and we could PLAY?


woooo hoooo




i'm going to see about flights ...


maybe we can coordiante a weekend of FUN and SERVICE!!




small penis humiliation is my favorite!!


dress me up as your pretty gfriend and lets go clubbing







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well hello

good to hear from you..what a wonderful idea for a session...id be dressed up in a tradtional kimono? and needle play ooo.. my fav...haven't done that for a while so it would be more exciting!!!!



Dear Mistress Kim,

Happy birthday and happy halloween. Dressed in fine oriental silk dress with your hair up. you would then apply many needles to me to show off to your friends as a tirck gone bad. of corse at some point the treat would be your disrobbing and beattng me .well a lille perverted but what a thouht I would honor the abuse . By the way i still have your panties. FS Spockme

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