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For Your Complexity:

While the blue moon above us arches

And the poplar sheds disonsolate leaves,

Tell me again why MinniChan bewitches

And what Minni Chan gives,


Is it the trmbling finger that traces

The eyebrow's curve , the curve of the check?

The mouth that quivers, while the hand caresses,But cannot speak,


No, not these is hidden

The secret , more than in other things;

Not only the touch of a hand can gladden

Till the blood sings,


It is the leaf that falls between us,

The bell that murmurs, the shadows that move,

The autumnal that fades between us,

These things are MInni Chan

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My dear John,

Your words create beautiful lace. I would love to have a dress tailored in that intricate web of symmetry. Thank you. I accept your poem as a display of devotion. Mistress Chan is pleased. :!:

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Dear Docture Mistress Minni Chan,

You are a web of symetry, well said. i offer my devotion to your mental control of me when i see you. as i stated in another posting i am truly afraid of your power over my mental state of being . we had great write ups concerning deep pockets of thought covering inner workings of thr spirit i miss the give and take. you broke me twice i am devoted to your superior power over me , see you soon FS Spockme

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