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Floating World


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The web site for Floating World is not up till May . This post so you can set the dates for . F.W. is 3 days of fun . Last year 950 people attended ,an over 130 classes were held . When the site is posted i will let you all know , all i can say about last year was WOW . coil

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Floating World does not put up there web site till they start taking registrations witch will be a few months before the event .You MUST be registered 2 weeks befored the event , an show your ID at the door before you are alowed to enter . This event is one to be seen as it's 17 hours a day for 3 days of over 130 classes .The people who are teaching the classes are some of the best in the world , an they make it a LOT fun , you also meet them an they are very willing to help you learn the BDSM arts for the Don an the sub. You have use of the dungeon from 11am till 4am .There Hotels neer buy to stay, an some groups take over a few of them ( i wonder what goes on there LOL ) . If you are not sure of your self just to let you know , they make you feel like you are at home . I also found out that tes will be holding there event from 7/3 - 7/5 . Tesfes is also very good also an a lot fun also . coil

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  • 6 months later...

Magdiver: i have been to both , the first time i went alone an had a very good time , last year i went with some frirnds an also had a great time . Just seeing what goes on is a REAL turn , as it's anything does event . I will be one of the volunteers this year an also a D.M so i will be busy an also having fun .On Saturday the Life in Nassau will be holding a pool party at the Hilton , an on Friday night at the Sheridan there is a meet an greet . To all these events you are invited .coil

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