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tutor time

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Hi my question is directed to the Mistresses at the Fortress.


I've had two sessions at the Fortress thus far, with Mitress Ahn and Mistress Choi.


I've always had a particular fantasy that seems to be more relevant to me than all the others; and that is being intellectually inferior to a woman. In a scene that could be acted out by me getting tutored by the Mistress in a role play scenario, where she obvioulsy has a much better grasp on the subject. For some reason what excites me most is Math!! Weird. So my question is, is there a Mistress or are there Mistresses at the Fortress who can accomodate such a request because they have the expertise?


Thanks so much for a response.. and best regards.

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Math, eh? Well you know what they say about us Asians! :lol:


How about statistics? Chi Square Tests? Fun!!!



Thank you for your reply Mistress Chen.. I was secretly hoping you'd reply to this post :)


Had to look up what a Chi square test was, but yess that does sound like fun (to me). Anything where we can sit side by side, do the same test and it turns out that you're smarter than me. Numbers just don't lie, that's probably why I have this fantasy of being beaten by a girl in math, or in this case statistics, lol. If you'd be interested in doing this in a session I would be so grateful and look into making a trip to NY very soon. I live in HK.

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Guest Mistress Kang

Thank you for your reply Mistress Chen.. I was secretly hoping you'd reply to this post :)


Had to look up what a Chi square test was, but yess that does sound like fun (to me). Anything where we can sit side by side, do the same test and it turns out that you're smarter than me. Numbers just don't lie, that's probably why I have this fantasy of being beaten by a girl in math, or in this case statistics, lol. If you'd be interested in doing this in a session I would be so grateful and look into making a trip to NY very soon. I live in HK.


LOL I laughed inside when I read that you live in HK. Are you Asian? Eurasian?


And can you clarify just how dumB you are in Math? ;-)

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LOL I laughed inside when I read that you live in HK. Are you Asian? Eurasian?


And can you clarify just how dumB you are in Math? ;-)



Hahha I am Eurasian, I am reasonably intelligent but am useless at Math, and I have little doubt that probably any of the Mistresses at the fortress could beat me at these Math/logic type IQ tests.


Is it funny that I suck at this while being part Asian or?

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Hahha I am Eurasian, I am reasonably intelligent but am useless at Math, and I have little doubt that probably any of the Mistresses at the fortress could beat me at these Math/logic type IQ tests.


Is it funny that I suck at this while being part Asian or?


To your credit, and contrary to popular belief, the ability to do Math well is not genetically programmed into all Asians.

But also to clarify, your "fantasy" of being intellectually inferior to women is actually more of a reality :)

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Hi my question is directed to the Mistresses at the Fortress.


I've had two sessions at the Fortress thus far, with Mitress Ahn and Mistress Choi.


I've always had a particular fantasy that seems to be more relevant to me than all the others; and that is being intellectually inferior to a woman. In a scene that could be acted out by me getting tutored by the Mistress in a role play scenario, where she obvioulsy has a much better grasp on the subject. For some reason what excites me most is Math!! Weird. So my question is, is there a Mistress or are there Mistresses at the Fortress who can accomodate such a request because they have the expertise?


Thanks so much for a response.. and best regards.

Um, hmmm... Didn't realize it at the time when I used to study with and get my ass kicked by my female Asian study partners, but this scenario is really, damn, HOT!


Where would I be without the Fortress Forum :) ?!?!

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Um, hmmm... Didn't realize it at the time when I used to study with and get my ass kicked by my female Asian study partners, but this scenario is really, damn, HOT!


Where would I be without the Fortress Forum :) ?!?!


For me, it brings to mind the super strick HOT teacher trying to instill in me the Golden Rules!

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AWESOME! Love this video! Thanks for the walk down memory lane, mZ!


"I don't feel tardy!"


TW - how come my gym teacher never looked like "Ms. Phys Ed"???


I hope their new album rocks - coming out soon...


BTW - Heard the new Stryper album today, all cover tunes. Iron Maiden's "The Trooper"??? Kansas??? What's this world coming to?!?!

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Thank you for your reply Mistress Chen.. I was secretly hoping you'd reply to this post :)


Had to look up what a Chi square test was, but yess that does sound like fun (to me). Anything where we can sit side by side, do the same test and it turns out that you're smarter than me. Numbers just don't lie, that's probably why I have this fantasy of being beaten by a girl in math, or in this case statistics, lol. If you'd be interested in doing this in a session I would be so grateful and look into making a trip to NY very soon. I live in HK.


Well... whenever you happen to make your way over to NY, I'll happily deliver a lesson you'll never forget.

Now, I can't guarantee you'll actually be able to grasp the concepts of chi square tests... but I'll have a good time beating it into you. :lol:

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I know all the Mistresses would be able to accommodate your request but its seems to me all we have to do is give you a simple multiplication test and you would fail without a doubt.


Do you still count on your fingers? I wouldn't be surprised.


Here is a math question:


There are 4 Mistresses with an odd number of clamps in their hands. Mistress 1 has 7 clamps. Mistress 3 has twice as many as Mistress 4 but Mistress 2 has only a third of Mistress 3. If Mistress 4 has 4 less than Mistress 1....how many do they all have? And the bigger question is how many will they be putting on?




Hi my question is directed to the Mistresses at the Fortress.


I've had two sessions at the Fortress thus far, with Mitress Ahn and Mistress Choi.


I've always had a particular fantasy that seems to be more relevant to me than all the others; and that is being intellectually inferior to a woman. In a scene that could be acted out by me getting tutored by the Mistress in a role play scenario, where she obvioulsy has a much better grasp on the subject. For some reason what excites me most is Math!! Weird. So my question is, is there a Mistress or are there Mistresses at the Fortress who can accomodate such a request because they have the expertise?


Thanks so much for a response.. and best regards.

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I know all the Mistresses would be able to accommodate your request but its seems to me all we have to do is give you a simple multiplication test and you would fail without a doubt.


Do you still count on your fingers? I wouldn't be surprised.


Here is a math question:


There are 4 Mistresses with an odd number of clamps in their hands. Mistress 1 has 7 clamps. Mistress 3 has twice as many as Mistress 4 but Mistress 2 has only a third of Mistress 3. If Mistress 4 has 4 less than Mistress 1....how many do they all have? And the bigger question is how many will they be putting on?

Hi Dr Tran!!


First of all thanks for yesterday!! That was crazy!! It's always good to see you, at least you become aware again of complete surrender and pain in every part of your body at the exact same time, and mostly inflicted by myself!!


Anyway....I believe you put yesterday 8 clams on me... But to put 10 more on as indicated in your math test....that's brutal!! ;-)


And with respect to the question of how many the mistresses would put on your penis....that's a retorical question!! LOL

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Hi mistresses....I was always a bit under the belief that the you mistresses had a hard time with math and numbers...it takes you always sooooo long to count to 30 or 60 seconds!!


You always say you only have to hold on for 60 seconds...honestly when you all are done with counting to 60, I have made at least to a 1000!!

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Hi.. Thank you Mistresses, there has been more response to my initial post than I had thought. Thank you all.. Haha maybe we can make this a group class, or at least a class with one student and multiple tutors, lol. I will make a trip to NY soon and I'm really looking forward to meeting you. I believe the answer is 7,3,6,2 = 18 hehe


Enjoy your weekend..



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I know all the Mistresses would be able to accommodate your request but its seems to me all we have to do is give you a simple multiplication test and you would fail without a doubt.


Do you still count on your fingers? I wouldn't be surprised.


Here is a math question:


There are 4 Mistresses with an odd number of clamps in their hands. Mistress 1 has 7 clamps. Mistress 3 has twice as many as Mistress 4 but Mistress 2 has only a third of Mistress 3. If Mistress 4 has 4 less than Mistress 1....how many do they all have? And the bigger question is how many will they be putting on?


Whoa, kinda like an on line math course, only this would be a rare instance in which I would want to show up for class, especially with the promise of (Professor) MTran putting a particular number of clamps on a certain body part.

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You barely made it to 20 in our little "bag" game.....very disappointing!


Hi mistresses....I was always a bit under the belief that the you mistresses had a hard time with math and numbers...it takes you always sooooo long to count to 30 or 60 seconds!!


You always say you only have to hold on for 60 seconds...honestly when you all are done with counting to 60, I have made at least to a 1000!!

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I know all the Mistresses would be able to accommodate your request but its seems to me all we have to do is give you a simple multiplication test and you would fail without a doubt.


Do you still count on your fingers? I wouldn't be surprised.


Here is a math question:


There are 4 Mistresses with an odd number of clamps in their hands. Mistress 1 has 7 clamps. Mistress 3 has twice as many as Mistress 4 but Mistress 2 has only a third of Mistress 3. If Mistress 4 has 4 less than Mistress 1....how many do they all have? And the bigger question is how many will they be putting on?

18 clamps and I am sure they will all be used.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I'm glad I am not the only person out there with a fetish for a strict tutor and harsh lessons! It definitely must be an Asian thing to do well in Maths. I grew up in Singapore and had to attend maths tuition sessions after school. The tutor ruled with a rattan cane and she didn't spare it! Thinking back makes my butt ache. LOL


I am planning to visit NY in September and would love the opportunity to have lessons at the Fetish Fortress. Which mistresses and subs are good at giving and receiving the cane?



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I enjoy making my subs look like a zebra....hahaha




I'm glad I am not the only person out there with a fetish for a strict tutor and harsh lessons! It definitely must be an Asian thing to do well in Maths. I grew up in Singapore and had to attend maths tuition sessions after school. The tutor ruled with a rattan cane and she didn't spare it! Thinking back makes my butt ache. LOL


I am planning to visit NY in September and would love the opportunity to have lessons at the Fetish Fortress. Which mistresses and subs are good at giving and receiving the cane?



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