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With all of the Mistress at The Fortress i consider them to be friends , an if i give them something i ask nothing in return except for there friendship . coil




If this comment has to do with removing the wish lists I have mixed feelings.


I don't know the facts or the players involved but I think Mistress Kang is trying to hold everything together in a way that's fair to everyone. If a Mistress is asking for extras as a condition for a good session that is wrong. Mistress Kang sets a tribute schedule that makes the Fortress accessible to the average player who may not be able to afford more, especially with the shrinking number of dungeons and shrinking economy making life worse for everybody.


If a client can afford to tip or give a gift on a completely voluntary basis, that is another story.


I'm sure your gifts to your friends come with the best of motives and I don't think the issue is directed at you.


There is a slippery slope, though, from giving altruistic gifts to expecting a "quid pro quo" i.e., demanding improper acts from the Mistress in exchange for money or gifts. It is also potentially toxic to permit an atmosphere where a Mistress might offer "extras" for money or gifts, putting the Fortress itself in jeopardy.


Mistress Kang has a greater responsibility to herself, her Ladies and her clients and she must set a standard that keeps the Fortress viable.


By all means you should be appreciative and generous with your friends if you have the ability to be that way.


I always stand ready to help Mistress Kang and anyone else with whom I feel a deeper connection, so long as it is voluntary, within my means and is truly from my heart.



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Danny i think you an i go back long before there was a Fortress , an you know about all the hard work that has been put into it . It was not about the wish list . coil




We both have Mistress Kang's best interests at heart. I wish you the best.



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Dear Dannyboy ;

I agree with your position entirely. Mistress Kang i s the most honorabl person . She sin my humble opinion works very hard to keep the Fortress fre eof potential problems . I for one would never have come to thhe Fortress if that were not the case. I try to to go to the fortress twice a month as a way to give tio the MIstresses. This gets harder to do with the economy the way it is. I have never beem pushed by any Mistress for more. I think they should realise not to kill the goose who lays the golden egg. Their fees are correct .You know I once worked in one of the most expensive country clubs in New York as a massage therapist. They had a strict rule no member could tip you so no one would get extra benefits throughout the club these wrer millionaires.very few gave tips because of this rule but you must be sure no got extra. If you went to their home tips were always given. It is a touchy subject a fine line I support Mistress Kang in her efforts to keep the Fortress above it all . She is a great bussiness person and real Grand Mistress.FS(spockme)

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