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Realm of the Mind: BDSM Literature-


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While there is nothing like real-life BDSM or a session with the lovely dommes of the Fortress, I also find erotic S/M literature satisfying. I wonder if others on the forum also enjoy BDSM literature. One of my favorites is “Carrie’s Story: An Erotic S/M Novel.” To me, while much of the focus in BDSM is on the physical, it is the realm of the mind in which the real excitement, the transformative experience occurs.


The narrator says in “Carries Story” “I wanted to resist, I couldn’t quite find the moment, or the muscular center, for actually doing so. Instead, some part of me was discovering that were was a way to be utterly, terrifyingly “open.”




I would love to hear others thoughts and reading recommendations on this topic- and I would especially like to hear the Mistresses weigh in. (The opinions of the lovely and intelligent Mistresses Jung & Kang?)

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While there is nothing like real-life BDSM or a session with the lovely dommes of the Fortress, I also find erotic S/M literature satisfying. I wonder if others on the forum also enjoy BDSM literature. One of my favorites is “Carrie’s Story: An Erotic S/M Novel.” To me, while much of the focus in BDSM is on the physical, it is the realm of the mind in which the real excitement, the transformative experience occurs.


The narrator says in “Carries Story” “I wanted to resist, I couldn’t quite find the moment, or the muscular center, for actually doing so. Instead, some part of me was discovering that were was a way to be utterly, terrifyingly “open.”




I would love to hear others thoughts and reading recommendations on this topic- and I would especially like to hear the Mistresses weigh in. (The opinions of the lovely and intelligent Mistresses Jung & Kang?)


Although an avid reader, I've never really read any BDSM literature. Obviously I get my fair share of play at the Fortress but I also get a healthy dose in my private life as well ;) I find almost all my interactions with anyone I encounter to have the potential of being quite titillating if carried out in my own little cat and mouse way. Ironically, I prefer contemporary fiction, pretty much "vanilla" main steam, Oprah's book list kind of stuff for my reading choices :) My imagination is naturally warped :)

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Although an avid reader, I've never really read any BDSM literature. Obviously I get my fair share of play at the Fortress but I also get a healthy dose in my private life as well ;) I find almost all my interactions with anyone I encounter to have the potential of being quite titillating if carried out in my own little cat and mouse way. Ironically, I prefer contemporary fiction, pretty much "vanilla" main steam, Oprah's book list kind of stuff for my reading choices :) My imagination is naturally warped :)


I can never say enough about a lady with a warped imagination, as well as their own little cat and mouse ways.

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