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Has anyone seen pics of Kang...?


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i don't normally do this, but i am guessing you're trying to be the new hard case. there will be a few others that will defend Jessy more emphatically than i, not that she needs any help, but if you truly want and desire the answers why not go right to the source? book a session with Jessy, if she'll have you, and ask away. as i recall, your last line of questioning got a thread shutdown, so maybe a private discussion will yield more fruitful results.

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Floyd ,

Your questioning is offensive to me .Mistress Kangs beauty does not depend on her looks . She is beautiful in body and soul. Too bad you can not appreciate that. Jessy was always beautiful now she is super looking. Just to ask that question tells me you leave a lot to be desired as a person . I hope Empress Kang just ignores you.(Spockme)

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Oh pish guys, I would not have approved the message if it was that bad. Floyd just can't session and it makes him act out a bit to get attention.


Some people are just socially clumsy, it does not make them bad. You should see what I have to edit out of poor Randy's posts!


Anyway, it's an interesting question. People evolve, get advanced degrees, change political parties, go from fat to slim or vice versa. It's human nature to constantly grow and change. No one ever asks their date "I wonder what you looked like BEFORE you got your ears pierced" LOL.


If we showed the "natural" staff of the fortress we'd have to get rid of 25% of them to reflect the "natural" ratio of one in four children dying in child birth. "Oh but I don't mean that, just natural bodies" Like what, covered with skin sores from lack of modern medicine? Armpit hair and missing teeth from lack of dental care? It's ok to replace calcium deposits with cosmetic enhancing substances but not fat deposits (teeth vs. boobs)?


Natural is a subjective concept- only the pictures you see in National Geographic really qualify, and even they engage in body modification. It boils down to personal taste.


There was nothing wrong with the style I had before this, it just did not match my personality. I get a great deal of pleasure out of how I look now, I just consider it another tool in my domination toolbox.


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Dear Mistress Kang,


I figured if you had approved the message, that you saw the post for what it really is. I think that you have too much self confidence to ever be bothered by something of that nature. I liked your words that "there was nothing wrong with the style I had before this, it just did not match my personality". I believe that a change in which someone can get a great deal of pleasure out of, is always worth it. But in my mind, so what if you looked like a typical Asian chick, that look is pretty damn hot & sexy and a look that I will always be extremely attracted to. I just wanted to add my two cents.

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Dear Mistress Kang:


Some of us will defend you zealously.


Yeah, but in poor Floyd's case it's a bit like hurling your body through the air to save me from a Nerf ball. ;)


Floyd is foaming at the mouth- you should see what he is posting LOL. Lee and I just rewrite them completely before we hit approve. Poor guy, you wonder where his life is at now that any attention really is good attention and he'll say anything just to get noticed for an instant- sad stuff :( I don't want to ban him, he seems to be a fan in his own odd way. Whether he can find a way to enjoy the site without resentment and hostility remains to be seen...

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