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BEAUTIFUL YOU as always Kang


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  • 2 months later...



Obviously I agree with you. It's been almost two years since I started seeing Mistress Kang and I continue to feel not only excited by Her beauty but very special to have the opportunity to spend time with Her. But what has surprised me is Her intelligence and insight on so many issues. She is the Mistress that I always wanted to meet. I'm a lucky guy.



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To state, once again, that it took me all of 10 seconds to become enchanted with Mistress Kang upon first sight over 4 years ago.


Having seen the photos posted from San Francisco I mused about the thought of ever forgetting how beautiful Mistress Kang is. Of course I would not or could not ever forget (barring amnesia or Alzheimer's disease) but if I ever did the photos would quickly shock me back to reality just as a defibrillator would shock my heart back to a normal rhythm.



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