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Interesting stuff from the 1500's


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I don't know, I never really saw the connection between the dungeon motif and BDSM. Anyone can impose their will though force. For me the Rack or the Pear, etc. - is about fetish related as a handgun. Just ways for inherently more powerful people to do bad things to others.


That's why I've never been big on "traditional" BDSM stone/wood imagery, it's tacky in a modern context, and in a historical reenactment context not very dominance related.


Now, getting them to submit through force of will or personality, through guile- well now that's interesting. Imposed gender changes, mind control- these are sci-fi themes. Or the overpowering seductress in her well appointed lair.


I like... Dominance through cleverness, guile and guts is my female legacy- not pincers and brands.


If you want to read about our spiritual forbearers try this lady:



From fiction, Middle eastern tales of the clever Switch:



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Well, I've always thought movies with "she-fu" and "waif-fu" were sort of equality gone retarded (with the exception of course of Chocolate). It's a bit like having men get what they want by showing a little leg. The tool needs to fit the hand. I suppose fighting your way through umpteen henchman makes for a lot longer movie than simply screwing the big-boss and convincing his underling that you like him more if only he could take care of the big boss.


Say it really is a spur of the moment "in peril" thing, with fisticuffs, I can duke it out and get my hair messed up, or engage in the same degree of physical contact, and just open his femoral artery during his post coital slumber and not get so much as a scratch on me (with perhaps a bit of the red stuff staining the sheets but that's why I have black sheets).


But honestly there's no reason for a lady with any brains to ever get her own hands dirty. Gross exertion of physical power is inelegant, and in my opinion not terribly sexy. If they won't do it to themselves for me, their friends will do it to them just to make me smile.

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Well, I've always thought movies with "she-fu" and "waif-fu" were sort of equality gone retarded (with the exception of course of Chocolate). It's a bit like having men get what they want by showing a little leg. The tool needs to fit the hand. I suppose fighting your way through umpteen henchman makes for a lot longer movie than simply screwing the big-boss and convincing his underling that you like him more if only he could take care of the big boss.


Say it really is a spur of the moment "in peril" thing, with fisticuffs, I can duke it out and get my hair messed up, or engage in the same degree of physical contact, and just open his femoral artery during his post coital slumber and not get so much as a scratch on me (with perhaps a bit of the red stuff staining the sheets but that's why I have black sheets).


But honestly there's no reason for a lady with any brains to ever get her own hands dirty. Gross exertion of physical power is inelegant, and in my opinion not terribly sexy. If they won't do it to themselves for me, their friends will do it to them just to make me smile.


Ms. Kang you're gettin' waaaay too cerebral for me I don't have a clue a what your talkin' 'bout...chocolate she foos, whofoos?

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Well, I've always thought movies with "she-fu" and "waif-fu" were sort of equality gone retarded (with the exception of course of Chocolate). It's a bit like having men get what they want by showing a little leg. The tool needs to fit the hand. I suppose fighting your way through umpteen henchman makes for a lot longer movie than simply screwing the big-boss and convincing his underling that you like him more if only he could take care of the big boss.


omfg you crack me up...

yeah ok.

so I'll have to check out Chocolate...

At first I thought you meant this http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0241303/ :lol::lol::lol:

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