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Can someone please explain...

Guest Mistress Kang

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their menstruation fetish? I've met a few guys that enjoy it but would like to hear more about it. I don' think they were able to articulate well enough. I've read about it online, but I'd like to hear from you guys ;-)


I know for some men this is gross. Deal with it.

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Some guys including myself don't care about the red tide. I/we just put down a towel on the bed or something and get to work. Of course I omit cunnilingus when she's ride tide. I did find something along academic lines you might find interesting:


According to Philip Rawson (in Paz, p. 97), these half-poetic, half-medicinal metaphors explain the popularity of cunnilingus among people: "The practice was an excellent method of imbibing the precious feminine fluid" (Paz, p. 97). But the Taoist ideal is not just about the male being enriched by female secretions; the female also benefits from her communion with the male, a feature that has led the sinologist, Kristofer Schipper, to denounce the ancient handbooks on the "Art of the Bedroom" as embracing a "kind of glorified male vampirism" that is not truly Taoist at all.[6] Ideally, by mingling the male and female liquids the Taoist aims to reconcile opposites and to recapture the mythical time that existed before the division of the sexes, the primordial time of the original ch'i.


Vampirism? Hmmm...interesting.

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their menstruation fetish? I've met a few guys that enjoy it but would like to hear more about it. I don' think they were able to articulate well enough. I've read about it online, but I'd like to hear from you guys ;-)


I know for some men this is gross. Deal with it.


Dear Mistress Kang:


Hell's Angels earn "redwings" by performing orally on a menstruating lady. Why the ritual and why the fetish? Je ne sais pas.



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I basically just enjoy all female secretions in general and invite sex, including oral with a woman during menstruation. So even though I do enjoy it, I probably wouldn't say that I have a specific fetish to menstruation. I also like being intimate with pregnant women, something about that really turns me on.

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their menstruation fetish? I've met a few guys that enjoy it but would like to hear more about it. I don' think they were able to articulate well enough. I've read about it online, but I'd like to hear from you guys ;-)


I know for some men this is gross. Deal with it.



Ms Kang,


Ahhh earning your "red wings"....

It is the first tattoo that I truly remember and had meaning to me as i worked for the Municipal Township one summer during my prep school days, with a bunch of harley davidson riding garbagemen.


If my parents only knew the path that summer job would send me down. I would not call it a fetish for my sake, as i am none too sure where that word fits into my life anyway. But after learning the meaning I was damn sure going to earn them so i could report back to my new friends! I like to go down on girls!!! No matter what the weather is like. I LOVE the control of oral sex. :twisted: I love to drag that orgasm out, I don't get tired, I don't get offended if it takes too long. Mostly I am there for myself. :lol: :lol: :lol: I want the girl to be yelling at me to let her cum. :D I also enjoy the fact that there is no "fancying" that can be done during that time, it is just raw sex. 8-) I like that it is messy, I like the sex after as it tends to be messy as well. I can replace the sheets! I usually have to persuade and coerce the first time. I really enjoy the awkwardness of the first time she lets me and ESPECIALLY the first time she asks for it. :twisted: I like that the few girls that have allowed me to do this for them during menstruation are usually far more hornier during this time than off the rag. I used to say things like, "more to eat!" Some women are equally disgusted with the mere thought of it. It certainly invokes a different taste but I didn't like coffee the first time i tried it either. -toby i hope that helps!

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MJK, I pondered this while on my favorite chair. Any vile disgusting act has crossed the male mind, even though some will not admit it. Furthermore given the right situation and time a guy will try almost anything with a hot chick. P.S. sometimes even a pig!

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MJK, I pondered this while on my favorite chair. Any vile disgusting act has crossed the male mind, even though some will not admit it. Furthermore given the right situation and time a guy will try almost anything with a hot chick. P.S. sometimes even a pig!


I think we have the same favorite chair LOL


Do you mean to tell us that you'd even try a pig with a hot chick?! HAHAHAA

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