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Mistress Kang sighting?

Big Trouble Baby

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Finishing an early morning workout in Bally's on Monday I saw Mistress Kang sitting on an Adductor Machine talking on a cell phone. "Wow...that's Mistress Kang" I said to my friend. As I approached to say hi the woman looked up. Ooops!

Not Her. I said good morning and moved on. A thrill that wasn't.






Haven't heard of any Elvis sightings lately. Some fringe rumors that Michael Jackson's death is a hoax. I wouldn't be surprised if a number of women actually try to copy her look.


I could speculate about Mistress Kang's location or even try to get the time zone right. But I won't.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Awww...who are all these "look-alikes" that I keep hearing about?!?! What EXACTLY do they look like?! LOL


I don't have any gym membership now, I used to go to Bally's Gym but that was years ago... These days it's just Bikram Bikram and more Bikram!

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Awww...who are all these "look-alikes" that I keep hearing about?!?! What EXACTLY do they look like?! LOL


Mistress Kang,


I can only presume that the "look-alikes" have defining features that match your style/physique (look at your hair in the mirror, then look at your face, then scroll down just a bit.) About that last comment, I'm not like mustanggt plus how can it be a bad thing to comment on something that's true?


I know SW thought he saw Mistress Zhao at his local beach, same camera and all. Apparently he was more than fifty percent sure it was her and he was all pumped about saying hello to her. I broke his heart by beating him to it.



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