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Mistress Ree

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Hello! Being new i just wanted to express how excited i am to be here at the Fortress, and especially to meet all of you! That is, those of you who've got the balls to ;)


Dear Mistress Ree,


Hello to you too! You're very beautiful (let's face it, all the women of the Fortress are) and I do have the balls to meet you, but not the freedom. I should probably ask before I make the trek to New York, but have you been to Calgary? This isn't so much a tourism question so much as a personal safety question because I got very close to suffering grievous bodily harm by someone who looked startlingly like yourself. Otherwise, I wish you all the best.



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Hello! Being new i just wanted to express how excited i am to be here at the Fortress, and especially to meet all of you! That is, those of you who've got the balls to ;)


Dear Mistress Ree:


Welcome to the Fortress.


Interesting caveat. I wonder how many regulars still have "balls" after the Fortress Ladies have had their way with them?



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Hello! Being new i just wanted to express how excited i am to be here at the Fortress, and especially to meet all of you! That is, those of you who've got the balls to ;)


Dear Mistress Ree:


Welcome to the Fortress.


Interesting caveat. I wonder how many regulars still have "balls" after the Fortress Ladies have had their way with them?




Hey hey now...we are more skilled than to take only the tangible ;-)

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Your pioctures are beautiful, I wish you good fortune , I hope to see you soon.Spockme


Her "pioctures"...?!?! Sheesh, spelling must be such a biotch for you...


See you soon spockme... it'll be another one of those "parties" again ;-)))

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Dear Mistress Ree,


I would definitely like to extend to you a very warm heartfelt welcome to The Fortress. I am extremely excited as well, to see someone of your overwhelming beauty join the lovely ladies of The Fortress Family. Your photo sets were amazing and I would like to wish you the best of luck throughout your time at The Fortress. I would also like to think that I have the balls to meet with you, however should you claim them, I am not sure I could ever make the same statement ever again. But truth be told, something tells me that one look at you in the flesh and I would be helpless to deny you any body part you might stake claim to. Much success beautiful Mistress!

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Dear Mistress Ree,


I would definitely like to extend to you a very warm heartfelt welcome to The Fortress. I am extremely excited as well, to see someone of your overwhelming beauty join the lovely ladies of The Fortress Family. Your photo sets were amazing and I would like to wish you the best of luck throughout your time at The Fortress. I would also like to think that I have the balls to meet with you, however should you claim them, I am not sure I could ever make the same statement ever again. But truth be told, something tells me that one look at you in the flesh and I would be helpless to deny you any body part you might stake claim to. Much success beautiful Mistress!


Oh how sweet! Mistresses though we women of the Fortress may be, we are still women and while i cannot speak for anyone else, i for one am somewhat susceptible to flattery ;)

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Dear Mistress Ree,


It is really nice to know that you are somewhat susceptible to flattery, I will have to keep that in mind at all times. Honestly, you are more than worthy of all the flattery and praise that you receive and I have a feeling in no time at all, it will be non stop. You are a HOT Mistress & a GORGEOUS woman. Best wishes & much love.

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Dear Mistress Ree,


I would definitely like to extend to you a very warm heartfelt welcome to The Fortress. I am extremely excited as well, to see someone of your overwhelming beauty join the lovely ladies of The Fortress Family. Your photo sets were amazing and I would like to wish you the best of luck throughout your time at The Fortress. I would also like to think that I have the balls to meet with you, however should you claim them, I am not sure I could ever make the same statement ever again. But truth be told, something tells me that one look at you in the flesh and I would be helpless to deny you any body part you might stake claim to. Much success beautiful Mistress!


Oh how sweet! Mistresses though we women of the Fortress may be, we are still women and while i cannot speak for anyone else, i for one am somewhat susceptible to flattery ;)



Mistress Ree,


I agree with Akiravn1. I'm glad you appreciate flattery. There was a time before radical feminism that men could flatter women and not get their head bit off. About 3 years ago I had a Korean woman in my class that looked about 35 years old. I knew she was older because she had an adult son probably early to mid 20s (I found out later she was 49). She had been a regular for over a year but hadn't attended in several weeks. She was very beautiful and had the cutest bottom (until Ms Zhao) I ever saw. One night she came in and set up in front of me (not her usual spot).

She had changed her hair style and I didn't recognize her. She looked up and smiled and then I recognized her. I said to her "Mary (not her real name) I didn't recognize you...Wow you look terrific". She stopped smiling and just looked at me with an angry glare. I wanted to say Geez lighten up, will ya?


It's nice to be able to flatter beautiful women like you and the other women at the Fortress and not get indicted or strung up.



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Dear Akiravn1,


Watch out! I said susceptible, but who knows what could come of it; it does not necessarily mean flattery will make me go easier on you... in fact perhaps just the opposite! Your saccharine words could be the fuel for my sadistic desires- mmmm what a delicious thought that is! Just imagine, as you pour out more and more sweetness my ego balloons and balloons and the fat, sugary rush of it all gives me the strength i need to torture you even further. Yum.

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Dear Mistress Ree,


Spoken like a true Fortress Mistress. Fueling your sadistic desires really is a delicious thought indeed, especially if it ultimately means enduring torture at your hands.

BTW...I absolutely adore your stunning photo sets, your incredible beauty is blinding, thank you so much for blessing us with such a gorgeous vision at The Fortress. As an end to a means, I felt some additional ego ballooning was in order, but truth be told, I sincerely mean each and every word of praise that I send your way. Much love!



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