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Training Day at the Fortress

Mistress Mina Jung

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Reminiscing about the "innocent" Mistress Jung. ;)

I find Mistress Jung to be very innocent and sweet. She's also very twisted,sexy and fun in a great way that makes her so appealing. In addition to being drop dead gorgeous ,great tastes in comedy and music. What else can I say. She is HOT!!! :) And no worries I'm not a stalker ,just a rational human being strongly opinionated on this matter.
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I find Mistress Jung to be very innocent and sweet. She's also very twisted,sexy and fun in a great way that makes her so appealing. In addition to being drop dead gorgeous ,great tastes in comedy and music. What else can I say. She is HOT!!! :) And no worries I'm not a stalker ,just a rational human being strongly opinionated on this matter.


100% agree. she's a delight.

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I find Mistress Jung to be very innocent and sweet. She's also very twisted,sexy and fun in a great way that makes her so appealing. In addition to being drop dead gorgeous ,great tastes in comedy and music. What else can I say. She is HOT!!! :) And no worries I'm not a stalker ,just a rational human being strongly opinionated on this matter.


I'm not worried, it takes a lot of effort and perseverance to be a stalker, I don't think you quite have it in you ;) Just stick to being the funny, dirty perv that you are :)

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I'm not worried, it takes a lot of effort and perseverance to be a stalker, I don't think you quite have it in you ;) Just stick to being the funny, dirty perv that you are :)

Your absolutely right Ms.Jung,I don't have it in me to stalk. Does it count if I have all the walls and ceilings of my apartment wallpapered with your pics from the internet :). No I'm more star struck and in awe.I'm like the girl in "Saturday Night Fever" who goes up to John Travolta after he finished dancing. Ms Jung would be sitting there with her friends and Ide say"Mistress Jung can I wipe your forehead? I love watching you dance,I really love watching you dance." Your friends would be looking at each other laughing.Hope you get the 70s movie reference. And being called a funny dirty perv by Mistress Jung for me is the highest compliment!!! Thank you!!! :)
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  • 1 month later...

Today was so much fun. I'm sure any of you would have loved to have been a fly on the wall today at the Fortress. Mistress Kang did a little training with Mistress Ree and myself. I can't wait to play with all the toys of torture :lol:

Can you imagine a session with MIstress Kang and me, the innocent Mistress Jung? Now is the time to experience it while I begin my new adventures at the Fortress. I want to know all about you. Tell me about some of your favorite scenarios.



Thought I'd dip into a little nostalgia with the beautiful and novice Ms Jung. Fondly recall being totally mesmerized by her early photos and wondering how long before I would feel the sting of her cane and crack of her paddle. Still laughing about our awkward meeting on the elevator before our first (supurb) session. :)

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