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Guest Mistress Kang

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Just found this pic online...

http://www.joshsporn.com/galleries/moxx ... on-187.jpg


Sooo many ideas...LOL The only plunger in the house is the one kept in the restroom by the toilet, seems a bit too big for a man's face though. Think it's totally worth investing in a mini one ;-) It would leave a nice red ring around the face though HAHAHA (really LOL-ing here!), guess that's where some makeup application would be come into play ;-)

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Just found this pic online...

http://www.joshsporn.com/galleries/moxx ... on-187.jpg


Sooo many ideas...LOL The only plunger in the house is the one kept in the restroom by the toilet, seems a bit too big for a man's face though. Think it's totally worth investing in a mini one ;-) It would leave a nice red ring around the face though HAHAHA (really LOL-ing here!), guess that's where some makeup application would be come into play ;-)



OMG I just had another thought! It's part of an in-house joke we were thinking of doing LOL. Ok, so imagine a new client is coming in for their first session, he's told to go to the Steel Room so he's walking slowly down the dimly lit hallways reading the signs on each door to see if it's the right one. He's approaching the last door in the hallway and just when he's about 4 feet away I KICK OPEN the door (HIYY-YAAAHHH!) with my right foot and take a quick step towards him with my left foot. He's frozen in his tracks in shock so with my right hand I aim my brand new pre-dampened mini plunger RIGHT IN HIS FACE!! *LOUD suction sound* and with my left hand I grab his right arm into the room and throw him onto the floor....HAHAHAHAHAAA....you can imagine the rest but it'd be 20x worse LOL

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Just found this pic online...

http://www.joshsporn.com/galleries/moxx ... on-187.jpg


Sooo many ideas...LOL The only plunger in the house is the one kept in the restroom by the toilet, seems a bit too big for a man's face though. Think it's totally worth investing in a mini one ;-) It would leave a nice red ring around the face though HAHAHA (really LOL-ing here!), guess that's where some makeup application would be come into play ;-)



OMG I just had another thought! It's part of an in-house joke we were thinking of doing LOL. Ok, so imagine a new client is coming in for their first session, he's told to go to the Steel Room so he's walking slowly down the dimly lit hallways reading the signs on each door to see if it's the right one. He's approaching the last door in the hallway and just when he's about 4 feet away I KICK OPEN the door (HIYY-YAAAHHH!) with my right foot and take a quick step towards him with my left foot. He's frozen in his tracks in shock so with my right hand I aim my brand new pre-dampened mini plunger RIGHT IN HIS FACE!! *LOUD suction sound* and with my left hand I grab his right arm into the room and throw him onto the floor....HAHAHAHAHAAA....you can imagine the rest but it'd be 20x worse LOL



Mistress Kang,


I was expecting something similar my first time there.



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HA! I just had a mental image of one of those funnel spiders bursting out of their dens and quickly snatching their prey and dragging it inside to it's doom.


I don't think the plunger in the bathroom could be too big... it would just cover ALL of his face, or engulf his head!


Or imagine suctioning it onto his face, or maybe *somewhere else* and using that to drag/pull him around :P

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Dear Mistress Kang,


Another wonderful idea, I just love your thought process. You are one person who makes me honestly wish that I were a mind reader. I see by this particular post that Mistress Ree & Mistress Jung are extremely quick learners and make for wonderful additions to The Fortress, it has also got me thinking, I know that each new Mistress goes through a training process, but do they also endure any type of initiation upon joining the group?

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