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Mistress Ree

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Halloween is coming up! I happened to pop into K-mart the other day and not only were the chock full of candy, they also displayed mini scarecrows of pilgrims and "indians" (i assume for Thanksgiving), and fake Christmas trees lit up and everything! Come on!


Anyway, what do you guys do for Halloween? Any costume ideas? This year i think i'm going to dress up as a fried egg.

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So if you know me well enough, you'll know of my borderline obsessive love of the show "The Mighty Boosh".


One of the main characters, Vince Noir, (played by Noel Fielding) is a bit of an uber-hip fashionista. There is an episode in one of the early episodes where he invents a new trend... The Mirror ball Suit.




It later evolves into this:




For Halloween this year. That's gonna be me.


There is nowhere you can buy a mirror ball suit, ANYWHERE, so I've got the boots, the wig and a silver catsuit, now I just have to sew on strings of sequins. :shock:

This is going to take forever! lol. Any subbies out there good with a needle?! :twisted:

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  Mistress Ahn said:
There is nowhere you can buy a mirror ball suit, ANYWHERE, so I've got the boots, the wig and a silver catsuit, now I just have to sew on strings of sequins. :shock:

This is going to take forever! lol. Any subbies out there good with a needle?! :twisted:


I see your Mirror Ball suit, and raise you the one and only Mirror Ball Cheongsam. I inherited it and use to have it in the closet somewhere but I think we got rid of it.



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  Mistress Kang said:
  Mistress Ahn said:
There is nowhere you can buy a mirror ball suit, ANYWHERE, so I've got the boots, the wig and a silver catsuit, now I just have to sew on strings of sequins. :shock:

This is going to take forever! lol. Any subbies out there good with a needle?! :twisted:


I see your Mirror Ball suit, and raise you the one and only Mirror Ball Cheongsam. I inherited it and use to have it in the closet somewhere but I think we got rid of it.


LOL OMFG. That's amazing. The funny part is, I could totally see the character Vince wearing that outfit.

Its really funny because since I've got the silver catsuit I'm really tempted to strut around town in it just for the hell of it. Perhaps crimping as I go.


(Crimping: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19pXw_pv ... tube_gdata)

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  Mistress Kang said:
  Mistress Ahn said:
There is nowhere you can buy a mirror ball suit, ANYWHERE, so I've got the boots, the wig and a silver catsuit, now I just have to sew on strings of sequins. :shock:

This is going to take forever! lol. Any subbies out there good with a needle?! :twisted:


I see your Mirror Ball suit, and raise you the one and only Mirror Ball Cheongsam. I inherited it and use to have it in the closet somewhere but I think we got rid of it.


Ah! Forever Kiko Wu.

Next to you, Kiko is the only other Asian hottie pervert that has a special place in my perverted heart and perverted soul.

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Halloween! Yes! Oktoberfest, Thanksgiving (Canada's is on the 9th), and Halloween all in one month.


Mistress, my favourite time of year. Each year, for the past nine years, I've dressed up as Solid Snake from the Metal Gear Solid series, the best time was two years ago when I borrowed my friend's airsoft Desert Eagles. It was great. My favourite costume that I've seen on someone I know, was that of a "Tortured Soul" apparently some kind of video game reference. To make a long story short I think last year he was trying to live out an S&M fantasy since he showed up to my building in torn clothes, ghastly makeup, chains, and red streaks that look like whip marks and knife wounds. It was down right terrifying. And after scaring people on the 30th of October since he didn't have a calendar, I convinced him to tone it down.


I love the mirror ball suit, I think it would suit Your unique style quite well. (Ahahaha did You notice the pun? Please don't kill me..) And as for Mistress Ree, I'm sure any costume you choose will look amazing!


Although on a quick note, if you dress up as fried eggs, watch out for the dressed up like a sausage. You never know what those kind of intentions are.



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  monokuro said:

Although on a quick note, if you dress up as fried eggs, watch out for the dressed up like a sausage. You never know what those kind of intentions are.





Solid Snake eh? One of my old exes was really into Metal Gear Solid too. But nine years, monokuro? NINE YEARS? I have to commend you. Here i am thinking it would be "too much" for me to dress up as a lobster, again, as i have for the last three years. But now you put me to shame. *weary shake of head*

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  Mistress Ree said:
Halloween is coming up! I happened to pop into K-mart the other day and not only were the chock full of candy, they also displayed mini scarecrows of pilgrims and "indians" (i assume for Thanksgiving), and fake Christmas trees lit up and everything! Come on!


Anyway, what do you guys do for Halloween? Any costume ideas? This year i think i'm going to dress up as a fried egg.


Dear Mistress Ree:


Generally I don't celebrate Halloween. The last time I did anything on a Halloween night was in 2006 and was mentioned a number of times in this Forum. I was invited to a gathering for a very special scene related cause.


I also declined to go out on Saint Patrick's Day during my drinking years. I considered it to be amateur's night.



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  Mistress Ree said:
  monokuro said:

Although on a quick note, if you dress up as fried eggs, watch out for the dressed up like a sausage. You never know what those kind of intentions are.




Solid Snake eh? One of my old exes was really into Metal Gear Solid too. But nine years, monokuro? NINE YEARS? I have to commend you. Here i am thinking it would be "too much" for me to dress up as a lobster, again, as i have for the last three years. But now you put me to shame. *weary shake of head*


Indeed Mistress. A lobster is an interesting costume idea... There's a joke I could make. Actually there's two. But I won't. Since I like life and I deal with enough dangerous characters already.


Although I think this year will be the last. I'm going to die my hair silver and get a grey mustache (prosthetic of course). MGS4 Snake to say farewell to the costume. So I must start thinking of next year, and the next eight years after that.



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I'm trying to convince one of my friends to make a PS3 costume, out of cardboard.

"It's so easy," i tell him, "You just modify the the shape of a cardboard box a little, paint it shiny black and stick your body inside. And cut holes so your head and limbs can protrude in the desired locations."

But "no, no," he says. "I'm not THAT nerdy," he says.

And then i says, "You could even use black electrical tape to affix a controller to one of your bicycle gloves, then you'd be the whole package!"

But still, he refuses.

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Choi is the Official Party Queen of the Fortress LOL She's sucking me in - HELLLLLLP!!! LOL


She just reminded me about the SMack Halloween party!



I think we will have to make a Fortress excursion out of it! There's also a party on December 19th that we are considering taking over ;-) An Asian Invasion!!



Any ideas for costumes? We'll share pics of course ;-)))

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Well, i guess i have to be a toad this year, to my 2 1/2 year old's witch. But you all seem so light-hearted about the affair. Isn't it time to get serious? i had my serious outfit all planned out before i realized i couldn't be in NYC. Would One of You please do this outfit for me and have it filmed? i think maybe MIss Seung could pull it off if she painted on really thick lips and took Bill Clinton with her to SMack! Laura Ling never received her caning (that i have heard of) for traipsing across the border. i think it is time for the reckoning. We all have thought about it. We know she deserves it. She isn't just a humanitarian but a great sex object that we all lust to be. Thank You for resolving this case, if possible.

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Oh...you're so naughty! Poor Laura Ling - shame on you!


  lashee said:
Well, i guess i have to be a toad this year, to my 2 1/2 year old's witch. But you all seem so light-hearted about the affair. Isn't it time to get serious? i had my serious outfit all planned out before i realized i couldn't be in NYC. Would One of You please do this outfit for me and have it filmed? i think maybe MIss Seung could pull it off if she painted on really thick lips and took Bill Clinton with her to SMack! Laura Ling never received her caning (that i have heard of) for traipsing across the border. i think it is time for the reckoning. We all have thought about it. We know she deserves it. She isn't just a humanitarian but a great sex object that we all lust to be. Thank You for resolving this case, if possible.
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  Switch Choi said:
Laura Ling is a journalist that was caught on the Chinese/North Korean border trying to document refugees. She was then sentenced to twelve years in a labour camp in North Korea, but luckily dodged the bullet (or the stick, or pipe) when Bill Clinton went over and rescued her.


Mistress Choi,


I think you're talking about Lisa Ling.



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  Switch Choi said:
Laura Ling is a journalist that was caught on the Chinese/North Korean border trying to document refugees. She was then sentenced to twelve years in a labour camp in North Korea, but luckily dodged the bullet (or the stick, or pipe) when Bill Clinton went over and rescued her.

So she dodged the bullet and the stick - but was she able to dodge Bill's cigar? Inquiring minds want to know.

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