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Where the Wild Things Are

Mistress Ahn

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It used to be my favorite book as a kid as I totally identified with Max.

Yeah, I was a brat.


So I've pretty much been waiting with bated breath for the movie to come out and last night my life was made complete.


If you still embrace your inner child you've got to see this movie. If the book was one of your favorites when you were young, you'll love it.


It really makes you regress as your watching it.... in the best way possible. I may have almost cried 2 or 3 times throughout the movie. Spike Jonze is going to get a bone crushing hug from me if I ever run into him on the street. He really did the book justice.

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Dear Mistress Jung,


I did see The Orphanage which I really enjoyed, so much so, that I own the DVD. I see that Guillermo del Toro did get producing credits on the film directed by Juan Antonio Bayona. My real enjoyment of the film came out of exactly what you had identified, in taking a sweet and heart warming storyline, then combining it with an extremely eerie theme. With Pan's Labyrinth, I always like a story that will appeal to the kid in me, but at the same time satisfy a darker element as well.

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Deep reaction: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/20/opinion/20brooks.html (great article)

Carnal reaction: RAAAAAAAAWRRGHHHH! :D


It used to be my favorite book as a kid as I totally identified with Max.

Yeah, I was a brat.


So I've pretty much been waiting with bated breath for the movie to come out and last night my life was made complete.


If you still embrace your inner child you've got to see this movie. If the book was one of your favorites when you were young, you'll love it.


It really makes you regress as your watching it.... in the best way possible. I may have almost cried 2 or 3 times throughout the movie. Spike Jonze is going to get a bone crushing hug from me if I ever run into him on the street. He really did the book justice.

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I saw the movie earlier today and turned into a little kid. That little bastard is back in his place though, after almost compelling me to buy a $2000 dollar Iron Man statue on the internet. Now I want to dress up as a Wild Thing!






I want to know where I can get the wolf costume from the movie! Let me know if you find it before I do!


Guess what I found! Irongate Gallery sells the wolf pajamas for $149 (I assume USD). Unfortunately they are back ordered and the costume won't be delivered by Halloween but still it is a cool costume.



Another alternative, even more unfortunately is pricier but possibly available through Opening Ceremony New York (details provided) for $610, yeah, I know, steep for a costume but it looks so fluffy!

Take a look: http://www.openingceremony.us/products.asp?menuid=4&productid=10483&cn=menu4

Opening Ceremony New York, 35 Howard Street, New York, NY 10013


I looked expressly with the United States and even New York in mind. I think the only other place is the online shopping kitchen staple, eBay. Which apparently is full with these costumes.


-Always happy to help you, Monokuro (with some mild credit for the eBay tip from SW)

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Pans Labyrinth! SO GOOD! Best scene in the movie, hands down, is the bottle scene. Thats where the movie takes its super dark spiral in to demented fairy tale. (although it will never compare to the Labyrinth with David Bowie)

The one thing I remember about seeing it in theaters was this jappy blonde girl sitting behind me who loudly said to her boyfriend as the credits started to roll "waaait, I dont get it. What did the movie have to do with pans?" LOL :lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol:


YES!! I am in total agreement with you on this one...The scene where all you see is the shadow and sound of the poor common man getting his face bashed in with the bottle of beer..so twisted. And the one where the servant lady slices the evil General's mouth/cheek...horrific. Guillermo del Toro is such a visionary. I'm currently reading his book he co-wrote with Chuck Hogan, The Strain. It's enthralling and such a vivid story.

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Just got back fron the "Wild Things". It absolutely captured my feelings of surpressed (or expressed) violence and then guilt as a young boy. While it never really leaves it gets buried deeper and deeper (unless you are the wild thing Carol, who never deleloped impulse control.)


Interesting thought - Do young girls with Domme tendencies share the repressed violence that little boys experience?

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I can't help myself when it comes to karaoke, I can't keep away.

Asian stereotype much?



Dear Mistress Ahn,


That's so funny, it is that same Asian stereotype that actually found me in Planet Rose numerous times checking out the HOT Asian girls more than participating in the karaoke singing. All of a sudden I have the urge to hear you burst into song.

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