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Mistress Ahn

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As none of you may know, Mistress Ahn loves hats (and refering to herself in the third person lol)


Not caps, but fun and funky hats (not silly hats like jester hats, though I do own this hat lol http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/4 ... AA280_.jpg). Like my pony tail winter cap as seen in my candids.


Now, the search has been on for quite a while for a new signature winter Ahn head accessory but I can't seem to find one that screams awesome.


Does any subbie want to be extra super special and find me a site where I can find cool hats? Or know of a shop in the nyc area that has a large variety of hats? I did find one recently at beacons closet... but one simply isn't enough! :D

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As none of you may know, Mistress Ahn loves hats (and refering to herself in the third person lol)


Not caps, but fun and funky hats (not silly hats like jester hats, though I do own this hat lol http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/4 ... AA280_.jpg). Like my pony tail winter cap as seen in my candids.


Now, the search has been on for quite a while for a new signature winter Ahn head accessory but I can't seem to find one that screams awesome.


Does any subbie want to be extra super special and find me a site where I can find cool hats? Or know of a shop in the nyc area that has a large variety of hats? I did find one recently at beacons closet... but one simply isn't enough! :D


Mistress Ahn!


More internet searching for the lovely gaming mistress!


Hats, oh hats, Hats in the Belfry is a good site to look but they focus on real normal hats or costume hats. These made me nod in approval of the varying levels of awesome:






Here's some cute plush hats with bunnies and stuff.




JBOX.com has Totoro and Domo-kun hats!




I'll see what else I can dredge up from the internet....



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That ponytail winter cap is soulfully sublime.

There's a hat store a couple blocks from where I live (in Tdot) called Wildhagen.

Their winter 2010 collection is dripping with funkiness and originality and may harbor something to your liking.


I was thinking of heading back to New York one more time before year's end and next weekend is my only chance due to work and the fact I'm going to Japan (yay!) next month.


Sooooo, if there are 1 or 2 hats (not the entire collection!!) from Wildhagen that you fancy then I can pick em up for you and possibly deliver them to you if I do end up going to Noo Yawk next weekend.


ja mata ne

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Mistress Ahn,


maybe here:

http://newyork.citysearch.com/profile/4 ... andal.html


perhaps etsy.com

also! check this out maybe



I'd be glad to advance scout places in nyc for you or such if that helps, though I imagine with something as personal as a signature hat you need to go yourself. You'll know it when you see it kind of thing I imagine.


- M

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That ponytail winter cap is soulfully sublime.

There's a hat store a couple blocks from where I live (in Tdot) called Wildhagen.

Their winter 2010 collection is dripping with funkiness and originality and may harbor something to your liking.


I was thinking of heading back to New York one more time before year's end and next weekend is my only chance due to work and the fact I'm going to Japan (yay!) next month.


Sooooo, if there are 1 or 2 hats (not the entire collection!!) from Wildhagen that you fancy then I can pick em up for you and possibly deliver them to you if I do end up going to Noo Yawk next weekend.


ja mata ne





You've confirmed my need to go to toronto. lol


I wouldnt ask for that ;)

If anything I'll go up and get them myself. :D or rather ^_^ lol

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Mistress Ahn!


I found more great hats, although I must warn you, they are quite gothic lolita (well in this case it is gurokawa).


HANGRY&ANGRY, I actually have one of the dolls sitting on my dresser and strangely I don't get nightmares anymore.

Jester-ish hat

Toque with buttons, a bit of chain, and cat ears

Mutant Snowman Hat/Scarf with claws


Since I cannot read Japanese, I don't know about international ordering. If you find the English version, you clearly have a skill set that I don't. I've seen h.naoto attire on sale here, in Canada, but I don't know about direct shipping.



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Greeting Mistress Ahn there is a women's hat store @ 66 East 7th street, Barbara Feinman Millinery. WWW>feinmanhats.com There is also another small boutique hat store on the same block(opposite side of the street) that had some interesting hats as well. Also another local alternative ( although they carry mostly men's hats , they do have some women's hats and they also accept some custom orders ) is Still Life 77 Orchard Street. http://WWW.StillLifeNYC.com

Hopefully this might help you in your quest for a fun and funky hat!

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Mistress Ahn,


Check out Union Square's Christmas Market. In addition to a whole lot of genki like hat vendors, there was one selling mittens like animal paws .. kitties, dogs, pandas, etc. My friends loved it and heck, I'm thinking about getting one of the hats :-P


Aside from that the market unto itself is cool.



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