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Memorable session with Mistress Ahn


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I had the pleasure of my first bdsm session at the Fortess and it completely exceeded my expectations. I had the fortunate opportunity to session with Mistress Ahn and she impressed me by her beauty while dishing out different forms of punishment. While this was only my first session ever, I already felt engaged and thoroughly mesmerized. Mistress Ahn slapped and tickled me more than I had expected (in a good way ;) ) and left me squiming for more. She was the perfect balance of angel/devil with a sweet calming voice and swift smack of her hand if I had disobeyed. I walked in nervously but felt calm as soon as the session began. I left feeling dazed :P and expect to return as soon as I can. Thank you Mistress Ahn.

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I had the pleasure of my first bdsm session at the Fortess and it completely exceeded my expectations. I had the fortunate opportunity to session with Mistress Ahn and she impressed me by her beauty while dishing out different forms of punishment. While this was only my first session ever, I already felt engaged and thoroughly mesmerized. Mistress Ahn slapped and tickled me more than I had expected (in a good way ;) ) and left me squiming for more. She was the perfect balance of angel/devil with a sweet calming voice and swift smack of her hand if I had disobeyed. I walked in nervously but felt calm as soon as the session began. I left feeling dazed :P and expect to return as soon as I can. Thank you Mistress Ahn.


I envy you because I wish I had my first session with someone as skilled, professional, fun and beautiful as the lovely and enchanting Mistress Ahn. My first session was with a new Mistress who was as clueless as me. It would have been wonderful to start with a Mistress who left me yearning to see her again. So you are a lucky guy. I would encourage all newcomers to the scene to start out at the Fortress. You simply can't go wrong.



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