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Guest Mistress Kang

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When I was about 15, my mother's distant cousin was trying hard to explain something to me. She ended up trying to explain to me in Chinese about a rubberband that gets stretched over and over again and never regains it's original elasticity hahaha Was pretty funny at the time. Actually, still is LOL


I was reminded about this because of a verse in a song I heard: "And Abagail gave everything she had to a boy". But I thought she said "gave a ring she had to a boy" LOL


Does anyone else have weird analogies on this topic?

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When I was about 15, my mother's distant cousin was trying hard to explain something to me. She ended up trying to explain to me in Chinese about a rubberband that gets stretched over and over again and never regains it's original elasticity hahaha Was pretty funny at the time. Actually, still is LOL


I was reminded about this because of a verse in a song I heard: "And Abagail gave everything she had to a boy". But I thought she said "gave a ring she had to a boy" LOL


Does anyone else have weird analogies on this topic?



Mistress Kang,


Sometimes I can be naive, sometimes downright clueless. Have to admit I don't get it.



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When I was about 15, my mother's distant cousin was trying hard to explain something to me. She ended up trying to explain to me in Chinese about a rubberband that gets stretched over and over again and never regains it's original elasticity hahaha Was pretty funny at the time. Actually, still is LOL


I was reminded about this because of a verse in a song I heard: "And Abagail gave everything she had to a boy". But I thought she said "gave a ring she had to a boy" LOL


Does anyone else have weird analogies on this topic?


Weird analogies?


Why yes, Mistress Kang, I do have one. Last year I was explained that in South Korea, if you are referred to as a fish farm manager, then that makes you a player. Something something about attracting fish (women) with bait (kindness) and that it made you a bad person if you attracted fish. I quickly derailed that analogy by summing it up as a womanizer, then made it veer towards euphemisms. She hung up pretty damn quickly lol.


Actually, the analogy of the elastic band has just reaffirmed my destiny to be a podcaster. Bad thoughts go away.



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When I was about 15, my mother's distant cousin was trying hard to explain something to me. She ended up trying to explain to me in Chinese about a rubberband that gets stretched over and over again and never regains it's original elasticity hahaha Was pretty funny at the time. Actually, still is LOL


I was reminded about this because of a verse in a song I heard: "And Abagail gave everything she had to a boy". But I thought she said "gave a ring she had to a boy" LOL


Does anyone else have weird analogies on this topic?



Mistress Kang,


Sometimes I can be naive, sometimes downright clueless. Have to admit I don't get it.




JK you lost me too? eh...is like mistaking words in a song, like "Love podice #9" instead of "Love potion #9".

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When I was about 15, my mother's distant cousin was trying hard to explain something to me. She ended up trying to explain to me in Chinese about a rubberband that gets stretched over and over again and never regains it's original elasticity hahaha Was pretty funny at the time. Actually, still is LOL


Its early here, and I don't know why but my mind has been dwelling on that analogy all night. I think it could be applied to trust, like if somebody abuses the trust between you then it never quite goes back to normal. That analogy could've been, vaguely, applied to the "cheating on your mistress" thread. Now I want to go bug people and get them to tell me their odd analogies.


If memory serves, Todd the Barista at Starbucks compared love to an espresso machine... I must get it down on paper.



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Hmmm...I'm confused too! Mistaking words in a song (which I do allll the time) isn't quite the same as making an analogy. That analogy, by the way, was your mom's cousin talking about...girl parts?


Now, vaguely related to this:



Mistress Choi,


Maybe I am just a little bit slow lately, but I am really beginning to LOVE your incredible sense of humor. It actually kind of snuck up on me.

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Hmmm...I'm confused too! Mistaking words in a song (which I do allll the time) isn't quite the same as making an analogy. That analogy, by the way, was your mom's cousin talking about...girl parts?


Now, vaguely related to this:



I sometimes watch Natalie Tran(Trahn?), I love that Aussie accent.

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Poor JK she's entitled, I guess to a confusing post every now and then.


Mark my words Mustang, that condescending tone is going to get you in a great deal of trouble one of these days! Perhaps from "Poor" Jessy Kang the "Confused Poster" herself!!! LOL


Mustang, best advice, play dead, Mistress Ree is laying down the law. LOL The two verbs you should be considering are either "retreat" or "retract" in terms of your comments and yourself. How do I know, you can see it (I can't but others can, wtf?) in her eyes...

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Mustang, best advice, play dead, Mistress Ree is laying down the law. LOL The two verbs you should be considering are either "retreat" or "retract" in terms of your comments and yourself. How do I know, you can see it (I can't but others can, wtf?) in her eyes...


LOL "retreat" or "retract" how about both! And what is this thing you can see in my eyes? A crazed lust for violence and pain?

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Mustang, best advice, play dead, Mistress Ree is laying down the law. LOL The two verbs you should be considering are either "retreat" or "retract" in terms of your comments and yourself. How do I know, you can see it (I can't but others can, wtf?) in her eyes...


LOL "retreat" or "retract" how about both! And what is this thing you can see in my eyes? A crazed lust for violence and pain?



Dear Mistress Ree,


Even if the reflection of a crazed lust for violence and pain existed within your eyes, it still could never change my crazed lust for you beautiful Mistress.

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Poor JK she's entitled, I guess to a confusing post every now and then.


Mark my words Mustang, that condescending tone is going to get you in a great deal of trouble one of these days! Perhaps from "Poor" Jessy Kang the "Confused Poster" herself!!! LOL


All I gotta say is this :P:lol::P:lol::P

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Mustang, best advice, play dead, Mistress Ree is laying down the law. LOL The two verbs you should be considering are either "retreat" or "retract" in terms of your comments and yourself. How do I know, you can see it (I can't but others can, wtf?) in her eyes...


LOL "retreat" or "retract" how about both! And what is this thing you can see in my eyes? A crazed lust for violence and pain?


Mistress Ree, both those terms mean the same thing, so yes, both is the perfect answer. I can't really see anything in a person's eyes, but SW can judge someone's temperament, personality, and even sexuality with fairly good accuracy. It is pretty damn freaky. Anyways, the first day you appeared on the website he looked over my shoulder and said, "You know, I can judge that her personality is light and she is playful, but she also has a stern side to her but only in serious situations. She's also straight, and you don't have a shot." That last comment was like "Gee, thanks, man."




I'll try to get him to explain it better.

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Mustang, best advice, play dead, Mistress Ree is laying down the law. LOL The two verbs you should be considering are either "retreat" or "retract" in terms of your comments and yourself. How do I know, you can see it (I can't but others can, wtf?) in her eyes...


LOL "retreat" or "retract" how about both! And what is this thing you can see in my eyes? A crazed lust for violence and pain?


Mistress Ree, both those terms mean the same thing, so yes, both is the perfect answer. I can't really see anything in a person's eyes, but SW can judge someone's temperament, personality, and even sexuality with fairly good accuracy. It is pretty damn freaky. Anyways, the first day you appeared on the website he looked over my shoulder and said, "You know, I can judge that her personality is light and she is playful, but she also has a stern side to her but only in serious situations. She's also straight, and you don't have a shot." That last comment was like "Gee, thanks, man."




I'll try to get him to explain it better.


Oh, when you said "retract" i was thinking more along the lines of testicular retraction in response to fear LOL. And... i don't get that last part. What do you mean i'm "straight"? As in, not gay lol? Anyway that's a pretty accurate assessment of my style!

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When I was about 15, my mother's distant cousin was trying hard to explain something to me. She ended up trying to explain to me in Chinese about a rubberband that gets stretched over and over again and never regains it's original elasticity hahaha Was pretty funny at the time. Actually, still is LOL


I was reminded about this because of a verse in a song I heard: "And Abagail gave everything she had to a boy". But I thought she said "gave a ring she had to a boy" LOL


Does anyone else have weird analogies on this topic?


The 'topic" is "the talk"...you know, about the "birds and the bees"...LOL


Here, maybe this pic will help LOL


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When I was about 15, my mother's distant cousin was trying hard to explain something to me. She ended up trying to explain to me in Chinese about a rubberband that gets stretched over and over again and never regains it's original elasticity hahaha Was pretty funny at the time. Actually, still is LOL


I was reminded about this because of a verse in a song I heard: "And Abagail gave everything she had to a boy". But I thought she said "gave a ring she had to a boy" LOL


Does anyone else have weird analogies on this topic?


The 'topic" is "the talk"...you know, about the "birds and the bees"...LOL


Here, maybe this pic will help LOL


Wha....I'm more lost now than before(hand scratching head emocon)

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When I was about 15, my mother's distant cousin was trying hard to explain something to me. She ended up trying to explain to me in Chinese about a rubberband that gets stretched over and over again and never regains it's original elasticity hahaha Was pretty funny at the time. Actually, still is LOL


I was reminded about this because of a verse in a song I heard: "And Abagail gave everything she had to a boy". But I thought she said "gave a ring she had to a boy" LOL


Does anyone else have weird analogies on this topic?


Mistress Kang:


Doris Day sang a song "Que Sera Sera."


When I was just a little girl

I asked my mother, what will I be

Will I be pretty, will I be rich

Here's what she said to me


If I catch you wearing your sister's panties again you will become a little girl because I'll personally cut your pecker off. And stop singing that Doris Day song, do your homework, and someday your father will tell you about the birds and the bees. Now that's an analogy. Dannyboy

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Oh my. If I am one of those pencils and the rubber bands are the girl's ponani, I am feeling a bit inadequate. Guess size does matter. What do comments do you all have regarding size or should that be another thread??


Well since this is the analogy thread... Size is like the breezes that run through the meadow hot and sweet and full of vigour :)

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