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Guest Mistress Kang

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LOL! You know what, when I first read your post and saw "stretched out rubber band...will never regain its elasticity" a loose vagina was the first thing that came to mind. But I thought "nooooo, thats not what shes talking about" so thats what caused my confusion. All is clear now :D hahahaha



Dear Mistress Jung,


I was glad to read your post, because that is exactly what initially caused my confusion as well, I guess I just didn't imagine Mistress Kang's mother's distant cousin would be making a birds and the bees analogy to her, until I read Mistress Choi's post and figured that is exactly what she was doing. If for some reason, I wasn't totally convinced at that point, it is safe to say, Mistress Kang's follow up posts complete with pictures made things crystal clear. Since we are speaking about stretching, I am just glad there were no pictures portraying the effect of chid birth on the rubberband, as I did not see a single condom on those pencils.

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Hmmm...I'm confused too! Mistaking words in a song (which I do allll the time) isn't quite the same as making an analogy. That analogy, by the way, was your mom's cousin talking about...girl parts?


Now, vaguely related to this:


haha ... i remember the very first time (oh wait ... wayyyy off topic ... but not really) .. was at a party in Hong Kong and this really sexy asain woman was standing there and everyone was speaking with a Chinese accent ... she breaks out into this beautiful austrailian accent .... i almost gushed with joy. pure sexiness bliss i feel. i'm a canadian boy. white. english. and this blew me away. anyway ... LUV THE LINK ... and this once again confirms my choice for FAV NYC MSC )

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When I was about 15, my mother's distant cousin was trying hard to explain something to me. She ended up trying to explain to me in Chinese about a rubberband that gets stretched over and over again and never regains it's original elasticity hahaha Was pretty funny at the time. Actually, still is LOL


I was reminded about this because of a verse in a song I heard: "And Abagail gave everything she had to a boy". But I thought she said "gave a ring she had to a boy" LOL


Does anyone else have weird analogies on this topic?


the analogy. kind of like the metaphor? i think .... parables are fun too. but you really have to dig .. to get. the elasticity .... haha .... easy.

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Well since this is the analogy thread... Size is like the breezes that run through the meadow hot and sweet and full of vigour :)


So surprised nobody made a joke about hurricanes and them being one :D . I'll take the Canadian route and say I'm a Chinook wind :) warm, wet, and will melt your heart


Someone had to make a joke about wind power equating to sexual endowment



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When I was about 15, my mother's distant cousin was trying hard to explain something to me. She ended up trying to explain to me in Chinese about a rubberband that gets stretched over and over again and never regains it's original elasticity hahaha Was pretty funny at the time. Actually, still is LOL


I was reminded about this because of a verse in a song I heard: "And Abagail gave everything she had to a boy". But I thought she said "gave a ring she had to a boy" LOL


Does anyone else have weird analogies on this topic?

"A mind stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions." - Oliver Wendall Holmes


In the story about the rubberband being stretched, "rubberband" really stood for something else, right?

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