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Eye Ponder

Mistress Kang

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When I top photographers, are their mental images of our session together better than others?

When I top chefs, do they compare the taste of non-lubed rubbers and my spit to other things?

When I top writers, do they mentally write and finish the story after one session together or more?

When I top investment bankers, do they *value* our session differently than, say, a teacher, would?

When I top entrepreneurs, do they critic/consider me as a business owner and/or a Domme?

When I top retirees, does daydreaming about our session together count as work or leisure?


That's all for now.  I'll be kicking ass at 5:01pm.

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Walt Whitman never asked such questions

but he surely would accord with your style.

(Can you dom a long-dead poet?  Maybe

you did.)

I dunno.  But I'm in a super good mood today and I haven't even hurt anyone yet!  I'm feeling like I want to do a flying kick through the air and land in someone's neck ;-) Raise your dumbsticks if you agree!

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